Chapter 23: The Final Operation

Start from the beginning

"Umi-chan... aren't you a bit too cheerful today?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean you're not really the type of person that would be this... enthusiastic! Especially since it's lunchtime on a Tuesday, you hate Tuesdays! You say it's the slowest day of the week apart from Mondays!"

The logic and reasoning Honoka gave made Umi think about it carefully. Why was she cheerful? Is it because she woke up earlier than normal? Or maybe because the maids made her meal more delicious? Umi was not certain anymore, so she decided to shrug it off.

"Not sure... but enough about that!" Umi slung her arms around the Honoka's shoulder and grinned. "I haven't seen you since we went to the mall, I didn't even see you at the party. Where have you been?" The curiosity in Umi's tone was more than the girl had intended.

Honoka, on the other hand, had a shocked face. "Ah! That's right!" She began with a startled voice. "We haven't seen each other... strange, it felt like you were always with me though." The extremely confused face Honoka was wearing almost made Umi laugh. And she did. But it was more of a chuckle than a laugh. The action, though, made the ginger-haired girl pout.

Umi patted the shorter girl's head as she shook her head in astonishment. "It kinda did, didn't it?" She began before pushing Honoka along. "Now come on, the bell's gonna ring soon!" Umi grinned then walked in front of Honoka and started tugging her to the classroom.

The ginger-haired girl lifted an eyebrow -along with a confused frown- before following Umi and moving to walk beside her. What a strange day, Honoka thought. Oh well, could be worst.


"So, I have a friend who has a room that can be locked from the outside," Eli began as she pointed at their 'plan blueprint' on the whiteboard. "The room is a bedroom along with a mini fridge and a snack bar. It's very comfortable and has the right specification to make them be in the mood." At her last word, Eli wiggled her eyebrows making Nozomi giggle and Nico groan. Two reactions she was expecting.

"Okay, that seems reasonable but how do we, well- drug them?" Nozomi adjusted her glasses, "assuming you have a plan?" She continued. Eli's stare lingered for a bit too long before she cleared her throat with a heavy blush on. Nozomi seemed to be clueless of what happened but Nico knew it all too well. The raven-haired girl saw that lust in Eli's eyes while Nozomi was talking and wanted to be out of this tension. Unfortunately, though, she is forever stuck being the third wheel.

"A-ah, yes. Good question, Nozomi." You're so smart you wonderful gorgeous goddess! "And to and to answer your question, during my... treacherous first year, I encountered some education on what to use to make them sleep." The purple-haired girl and raven-haired girl eyed Eli suspiciously. Seeing this, Eli shook her hands with the action having a desperate hint to it.

"D-don't worry! The drug is safe -more or less," Eli encountered, mumbling the last part. "And getting will be all on me! You guys don't have to do anything!" She quickly changed the topic before the two older girls could question her. Luckily for the blonde, the two girls decided to let her go.

Nico crossed her arms with a huff, "if that's all to it then are we dismissed?" The question was not meant to sound harsh or rude, but the tone Nico used says otherwise. Nozomi and Eli both knew that the raven-haired girl was not mad or some sort, but was instead in a hurry. She tends to sound rude on accident when she is in a hurry.

Eli nodded her head, "absolutely, remember though, the plan starts on Friday so they wouldn't have to miss school. Other than that you guys are dismissed." As soon those words came out of the blonde's mouth, Nico stood up and speed-walked out of the classroom. Nozomi gave an all-knowing smile as the shorter girl left but stayed at her seat until Nico is out of the room.

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