Volume 2 - Chapter 5

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"You are Ryan, correct?" Allan nodded to Ryan as I settled myself down into the largest seat. "Jane has suggested that you are an Artificial Intelligence?"


"Do you mind if I open you up and see for myself?" Allan asked curiously.

"Please be gentle," Ryan responded nervously as Allan began tinkering with the back of Ryan's neck.

After a few moments, Allan spoke up. "Okay, I'll go inside you. I'll just start with the tip."

"Will you guys work on phrasing?!" Rune cried out, covering his ears.

"I thought I was in a Samantha story for a second!" I quickly snapped out of my erotic trance.

"Ah! Slowly; it's tight!" Ryan made a weird noise as Allan continued to tinker.

"I'll be careful not to break you."

"Seriously, guys?" Rune spoke up again.

Allan made an exasperated noise. "I don't know what your problem is. I merely need to check his specs."

"I, too, do not understand the problem. Is there a malfunction with my processing?" Ryan added.

"Look, guys, it's just... when you say things like that.... I mean... and the weird noises..." Rune failed to find a way to explain it and then turned to me. "Jane?"

"Ah! Well, you see... when a man and another man love each other very much, sometimes, women like to watch-"

"Andrew!" Rune cuts me off immediately.

"Don't get me involved!" Andrew protested. "It must be that demon blood that makes you think such dark things..."

"Are you telling me that what they said doesn't sound even a little wrong to you? This is bullshit!"

"Will you please be quiet; I'm doing something delicate right now and you are distracting me. Perhaps you should head to the mess hall until I'm done," Allan suggested firmly.

Rune grumbled as Andrew pulled him out of the room while bowing an apology to the grumpy looking Allan. I stayed back for just a second, looking. Allan seemed to be holding some kind of scanner up to the back of Ryan's skull, which was now open and displaying some kind of circuit board. Ryan stared ahead, unblinking.

"Hey, um... since we were taken so suddenly, is it possible to call home?" I asked.

"Hm? Ah, yes; I've hacked into the communication satellites and set up a relay. Your cell phone should get a signal here," Allan said without looking up from what he was doing.

I made a surprised noise and excitedly pulled out my phone. Just as he had said, the phone had full bars. I immediately dialed the person I needed to talk to the most at the moment.

"Jane? Where the hell are you? And now Andrew and Rune are missing too." The voice was Alex in her female form.

"Hey, yeah. I'm sorry about earlier. I'm with Andrew and Rune. Everything is fine." I tried to reassure her.

There was a long silence on the other end until the point I thought the line died, then Alex spoke softly. "Are... you doing it?"

"What? I'm not having sex! I told you, I'm with Andrew and Rune. Even Allan is here!"

There was another long silence. "Foursome?"

"No! What the hell are you talking about?"

"Hey. Samantha said if you were gone with the boys you were probably doing it."

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