Chap30-Arachnophobia and tight places

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Me and Nick make it to the screaming only to find Jack and Clark. "I can use my hands again! I forgot all about the healing stuff." He said smiling. "So can you feed me now?" Clark barks. "Hey you two." I interrupt. They both turn towards me in shock.

"Oh it's you guys." Jack sighs in relief. He shows us his hands, which has scars here and there but are fully healed. "That probably means Ellie's arms are okay too." I think.

We all head down the cave as it progressively gets smaller. We start crouching to move forward. After a while of back aching crawls we make it into a bigger cave. A spider appears in front of me and I smack it away, making it run into the darkness. Clark goes further in to chase after it. "Hey come back!" Jack said running after him.

Seconds after, Clark comes running back with spider webs on his face. "Sp-spider!" He shrieks. A loud rumble comes from in front of us. Jack flies into me and we both get knocked down.

I look up and see eight eyes staring at me. A thread zips onto Jack and pulls him into the darkness. I stumble onto my feet and ready myself. Nick grabs the thing with his vines and slams it into the ground. A large spider appears  covered in vines. I rush at it and try to stab it but it shoots webs at my sword causing it to stick to the ground.

I set the webs on fire but they still won't get loose. "The spiders webs probably cancels out magic!" Nick yells to me. I use brute force to yank my sword away and Clark runs pass the spider to find Jack. A loud thud brings me to my knees following another. The cave walls start to crack and break.

The wall breaks and Ellie and Ana fall through. They both run away into our cave as another spider tries to force its way in. The spider with a few tries, breaks into the cave. Scott and Joselyn scurry our of the hole coughing.

The two gigantic spiders slash and attack each other in front of our only exit. Nick signals for me to come over and I follow. "Right now those spiders are blocking out only way of getting out. We need to pass them." He whispers. The spiders start spewing webs everywhere and we all dodge them.

Clark appears out of the darkness and runs through the spiders many legs, distracting them. Scott launches fireballs towards the ceiling of the cave bringing rocks down on the spiders. Jack runs past us with a kid in his hands. "Go!" Jack orders. We all speed past the spiders as they struggle to get up.

We move through the cave without stopping. My chest feels like it's on fire but I still keep going, feeling the rumble of the spiders behind us. We finally see light and the mine carts we passed earlier. Ana swerves around and slams her mallet into the carts one by one. The spiders get trapped on the carts and struggle to move around them.

We make it through the entrance, and we all gasp for breath. "Joselyn cause an avalanche!" I said pointing to the dirt and rocks above the entrance. She shoots water at them causing it to become unstable. The rocks fall, covering the entrance.

"Thank god." Ana huffs. "How did you find the kid?" Ellie questions. "Well when I shot to the other side of the cave I fell into a bunch of webs. Then right next to me was her." He said setting the child down. "Can I go home now?" The child whimpers. We catch our breath and take the child to the quest building.

We go up to one of the quest collectors and show them the child. "Did you finish your quest?" She asks. I nod and show her the quest paper. She takes the paper and her eyes widen. "This was an S+ quest. Are you sure you kids did it?" She questions us. "Well we have the child they were looking for." Jack said.

After some debating if we did it or not the lady takes our word. She gives us the money and we start to leave. As we walk out I notice the guy from earlier. He smiles at us and claps. By the time we make it through the door everyone is clapping and cheering for us. "It feels good to be appreciated." Nick grins.

We leave and head over to the ticket office to purchase our tickets. The man informs us the train will take a while and to wait. "Should we head over to them immediately?" Ellie asks. "Well dragon expert." Ana said looking at me. "Don't call me that." I murmur while opening the D.L.

One of the markers seem closer than usual and I look at the direction it's in. "We don't have time to go back. Let's keep going." I conclude. The train horns sounds and we get on the train.

"Ellie isn't your arms healed by now?" I ask her. "Oh right." She said unwrapping them. Her arms are healed but not completely, leaving only scars. She admires her new skin and smiles. "Thanks for the reminder." She smiles. I turn away blushing "You're welcome.".

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