Chap19-Forests and elfs

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I wake up on top of a branch dangling. The realization causes me to slip and land on my stomach. I groan in pain and look at my body. I have scraps and wounds all over, but no sword. I get up and search around. The forest is full of life and tall enough trees that I can't see the top, only gleams of sun piercing through. I stumble around and eventually find that it got stuck in a tree.

I use all my strength to yank it out and as soon as I do, the tree's wound heals. "What the hell?" I murmur to myself. I hear ruffling come from the bushes behind me and I turn around. Something jumps through the bushes and knees me right in the nose causing me to bleed.

"Ow!" I said holding my bleeding nose. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" A girl said. I look up and see a girl wearing a worn out hoodie and baggy pants. She has long pointy ears and lush green hair. "Are you okay?" She breaks the silence. "Well after everything that just happened to me I think I am." I awkwardly chuckle.

She looks at me and notices my wounds. "Do you want me to heal you?" "Well uh sure.". She kneels down and uses a healing spell on me. "This will take a while." The girl said focusing. "Well what's your name?" "Oh my name is Ellie, and yours?". "Oh it's Pace." I look at her and notice her light green eyes. "You're cute." I said out loud.

Her face turns red and I realize what I just said. "I- I mean, I didn't mean to say that out loud..."  I said as I started to mumble under my breath. "Well thank you." Ellie said hiding her face. We sit in silence while she heals my wounds. All the pain I felt was now gone. "Thanks a lot." I said stretching. "Well you aren't from here. When are you leaving?" Ellie said wiping leafs off herself.

"Well funny story, I can't at the moment." I sigh. "Wait why?" "I can't get up and I don't know my way. So can you show me?" "Oh well sorry but I can't. I can't stray too far away from my home." "I understand.". Our conversation is interrupted by the rumbling of the ground. "Hide quick!" she said pushing me into a bush.

I fall in the bush and see a man emerge from the shadows. "Why must you run off?" The man said grabbing Ellie by her hand. "I'm sorry." Ellie whimpers. "You will be." The man raises his hand to her. I jump out of the bush and block the blow with my sword. His skin hardens and grabs my arm, causing me to drop my sword.

The man grabs my sword and looks at it. I "With a rusty sword like this you won't be able to get anything done!" He laughs. "Shut up and let go of her!" I said thrashing around. He clenches his first and punches me in the stomach. All the air gets knocked out of me and I get sent flying. I land on the ground grasping for air while the man takes Ellie away.

I finally catch my breathe and get up. I feel shards around my chest and lift my shirt up, seeing parts of my chest plate fall to the ground. "After all the trouble Susan went through." I sigh. I look the direction where Ellie left and I see nothing but shadows. I pick up my sword, griping it hardly.

"I need to do something. But not like this." I said angrily. I lash out on a nearby tree but it heals immediately. "I need to get stronger." I said looking up. The night sky shines dimly through the thick leafs. "But first, I need some sleep. And some food." I said rubbing my stomach.


We all ran to the capital of the town. We pushed past people to find the source of the screaming. "Isn't that just a child?" Joselyn said. "A really mad child." I add. The source of the screaming was just an infant who looked like they fell on their knee. I kneel on the ground and create a tiny bridge. I pick it up and walk over to the child and sit it next to her.

I hand the bridge to her and she stops crying and starts to play with it. "Thank you!" The mom said. "No problem." I smile back. She gets a good look at me and notices I'm a lizard. She grabs her child immediately, making her drop her new toy. The crowd of people finally disperse and I pick up the tiny bridge.

"That's so rude lady!" Joselyn yells. "I got used to it eventually." I said admiring my bridge. "Well now we can get back to the real issue. Finding a spell to talk to Pace." Jack said. We all decide that the place that look likes a 'police station' is where we should go. Even though I don't know what that is. We enter and they're are multiple people sitting at chairs with a two way glass.

Scott sayid he can handle it so we wait in the lobby area. Soon enough, Scott calls us over and there's a image in the glass. "What is this?" Pace said looking around. "Pace where are you?" Joselyn asks. "Well I'm definitely in the forest and I'm fine, at the most part." "You don't look hurt, how?" "There was a person who helped me.".

Pace starts to daze off blushing. "Ahem. We're still finding the spell so after a while we'll come get you." "Well actually how long has it been since you've seen me?" "A day.". To my surprise Pace didn't seem shocked, instead he smiled.

"Two days is all I need. Nick your earth spells should be enough to get you down there with only a scratch." "Two days? Why two?" "If the spell isn't there, then it's here.". After he said that, the image cut to black.

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