Chap29-Colder than ice

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After searching outside the town, we find the abandoned mineshaft. "Do we all have to go?" Clark whimpers. "Well if you get attacked by any ghost just bark really loud." Jack chuckles. After some walking we make it to the entrance. The sign is broken and the rails are covered with dust. "Fire boy go first." Joselyn said pushing Scott forward.

Scott lights his finger on fire and we enter. Our steps echo through the cave and we find mine carts everywhere. We make it into a large room with five different paths. "We are not splitting up." Ana demands. "We don't have any other choice." I said. "Let's play rock, paper scissors!" Clark barks.

Ellie and Clark, Nick and me, Scott and Joselyn, Ana and Jack. "What kind of teams are these?" Jack complains. Ana picks up Clark and hands him to Jack. "You can be with him. I'll go with Ellie." Ana suggests. Jack accepts the deal and we all pick a hole entrance to go through.

Me and Nick walk into the cave. The air starts getting cold, letting me see my breath. "This is weird." Nick said. I nod as we continue down. Another hole appears but seems to be blocked off by ice. "Help!" A voice screams behind the ice. "I think we've found her." I said unsheathing my sword.

I break the ice and we run down the long tunnel. We make it into a room covered with ice. I see a kid hiding in the corner. "Are you okay?" Nick said inching towards them. He grabs them and they shatter, sending ice shards flying. "It was a decoy, be careful!" Nick said.

Shards of ice spin around my feet. The shards mix together forming a human like figure. "Why have you enter this place?" The figure asks. "Who are you?" I said. It stays silence and Nick looks at me confused. It shoots shards of ice at me and catches me off guard. One of them hits me in my leg and I grit my teeth in pain.

Nick stabs the creature causing it to break into pieces. "You okay?" Nick comes over to me. "I'm not dead." I reassure. The ice starts to reform again and I take the shard out my leg. It spews shards at us again, but Nick creates a tree and it absorbs the shots. "When could you do that?" I ask and he shrugs.

The creature appears behind him and grabs his leg. His leg starts to freeze and he screams in pain. I slash at the creature, shattering it again. I look back at Nick and his leg is almost fully frozen. "Can you move it?" I ask. "Barely. Don't let it touch you." He said examining his  leg. The creature reforms and starts to attack again.


"Do you think if I listen to the other side we can hear Pace and Nick?" I ask. Joselyn rolls her eyes at me and we continue down the cave system, and make it to a dead end. "Well that was fun while it lasted." I sigh. I weird chill goes down my spine and I turn around. Joselyn lunges at me and I dodge out the way.

"What's the matter with you?" I ask. She pulls out her sword and glares at me. "Uh oh." I think. She swings at me rapidly, pinning me against a wall. She stabs at me but I duck, barely missing the blade. "What's gotten into you?" I said trying to grab her. She shoves me causing me to trip.

She fires water at me and I shoot fire, causing smoke to appear. "Where are you!" She yells into the mist. She slashes into the mist, slowly airing. I grab and thrash around with her, trying to get rid of her sword. She stabs my staff breaking it in half. "Cmon man." I groan. Joselyn shoots a massive jet of water at me.

It hits me and shoves me into the fragile wall, breaking into another cave way. I wheeze trying to breathe properly. I look upside down at Pace and a creature fighting it out. Joselyn comes through and gets her senses back. "Wait you aren't a monster..." she said staring at me. "And you aren't a good friend." I said back.


A chunk of ice almost takes my head off as a look at the two who just came in. "What are you two doing?!" I yell trying to defend myself. Scott gets up shakily and burns the creature, melting it into a puddle. "I thought you'd need a little help." He chuckles. He starts to heal himself and we discuss what's going on so far.

"So that thing I melted was acting like the child?" Scott concludes. I nod and give Joselyn a stern look, making her turn away. "Don't blame me! I didn't know he wasn't an enemy. It must've been some kinda magic." She huffs. "Nick is your leg okay?" Scott asks. "Nope." Nick answers.

Scott uses his fire to thaw Nick's leg out before we search for the others. We retrace our steps back the the big room we all split up in. "Well time to spilt up again?" Scott guesses. "If something happens just do whatever to try and meet up." I finish. They nod and head down the other cave system. I hear a familiar scream and nick and me race toward sit.

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