Chap6-Wolves aren't all bad

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To hold a toy sword is way different than holding the real deal, trust me I know. I walk around the armory to pick something out. I see a variety of things like staffs,Spears and such. I walk over to Jack standing in the corner. "What are you up to?" I peek over his shoulder to see him trying to attach gauntlets to his hands. "These just won't get on!" Jack said ferociously trying attach them.

"Lemme help." Nick comes over to help Jack. I wonder over to Scott and Joselyn who are in a pretty heated conversation. "In things like this the girls are always the mages and the guys are the knights!" Joselyn protests "Well I'll be the mage this time. You can be the knight if you'd stop fussing so much." Scott spits back at her. "Fine." She push's the staff into Scott's gut and Scott hands over the shield and dagger. Seems like they're making the best out of this. In the the middle of the room a sword that's dirtied sits there like it hasn't been touched before.

I wonder over to it and pick it up. "Why's this sword so dusty?" I said wiping off the dust "No one uses it. They say it sucks the luck out of its user." Nick said informatively. "Well I'll guess I'll take it." I half grin while I look at it. "It's hard to only use one hand so you gotta use two." Nick said finishing up with Jack "Gotcha." I hold it with both hands. It's heavy but I'm able to handle its weight. It's seems it's been only used once or twice at best.

"You guys found your weapons?" Nick asks "I got my staff." Scott said trying to flip it but fails miserably. "Seems like everyone's ready" Nick said. I look around and everyone has their weapons and armor. "Well here's another question. Go now or rest?" Nick states "I'll speak for everyone saying we're tired as hell." Jack said and we all nod our heads. "It's settled then." Nick leaves and we follow.

He shows us where we can rest and we all get our own beds. "Come to the armory when ready." Nick said and left. "I honestly still can't believe this." I said with disbelief . "I can't believe you're talking to me." Jack said sitting down on his bed. "Well no point to have a grudge. Shit happens." I said reassuringly.

"But I made everyone hate you. I was the one who did all that to you. And you just gonna say 'no point to have a grudge'?" "Yeah basically. I'm not the type to hold a grudge anyway. You should know that, plus hating people is a lot of work to do." I said laying down. "Wow. I honestly don't get you." Jack sighs "We don't get him either." Joselyn said and Scott agrees. I chuckle and close my eyes to get some rest.

I wake up and look to see if anyones up. Everyone's still asleep so I sneak out and go to the armory. I see Nick sleeping inside on one of the benches. "Hey Nick." I whisper to him. He snaps awake "Huh? What?" He looks around frantically.

"Oh it's you." He opens the door and sits back down "You really couldn't wait could you?" Nick said jokingly "I never wake up late for some reason. Been like that since I was little." I take the sword and admire it again. "That sword is a weird one. The last guy to have it threw it away in the river. Had to fish it back." Nick adds.

"This is a weird question but can I swing it around?" "Why'd that be weird?" "Well I never held a sword before." "Oh right." "Well... We can go?" "Follow me." Nick said grinning.

He takes a weapon down then touches the wall. Glowing signs start to float around him and a door appears out fo thin air. "Woah." "Gets them every time I do that." He said opening the door and walking in. I follow after him and we appear in a big colosseum with other lizard men sparring with each other. "Welcome to our training grounds." Nick said with a welcoming smile.

I head down to the bottom and find a training dummy. I pull out my sword and try to swing at it, but I loose my balance and fall. "This is harder than it looks." I said wiping dust off me "Allow me to be your trainer for today.". Me and Nick train for what seems hours and the others join in the training.

After a couple of hours we all get ready to head out to search for the wolves. We head to the main gates and are stopped by the guards. "Why are you leaving the kingdom?" The guard asks. "We are going to complete our quests from the king." Nick said. The guard nods and opens the gate and we wonder out into the grasslands

"What do we do first?" Scott asks "We search the forests for clues. Knowing the wolves they moved spots so we can track them later on if we at least know where they were." Nick said.

We walk into the forest and look for clues. We search around and eventually Joselyn calls us over "Look footprints.". "Are you sure this is a wolf paw? It looks pretty small to me." Scott questions. "Wolf paws come in any shape and size, don't let it deceive you." Nick warns. We move ahead and follow the questionable looking footprints. The footprints end and we all get confused, even Nick.

"Where did they go?" Nick questions looking around. "Maybe they teleported?" Scott said "A wolf would not know a spell like that." "So it's possible?". In the commotion I try to look around for some clues. I peer up into the trees and I see some scratches. I use the bud of my sword and slam it into the tree and a wolf falls out the tree onto Jack.

Jack screams in terror as he gets scratched at and throws the wolf. We all look surprised as we see that the wolf is actually just a baby wolf. "Can we keep it!" Joselyn asks eagerly. The baby howls and multiple howls follow after it's. We look around us and see eyes all around us. We ready ourselves for whatever is about to happen next.

Hi everyone thank you for 50+ reads already! I know it's not much but it still feels like a lot to me :) I hope you all are enjoying the book and I will have more chapters out for you later this week. I thought I could make this one longer for you all. Also go check out Night_Problems  new book if you're not busy! (Don't forget to share!)

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