Chap1-Things could be worse..

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My name is Pace, Pace Charles. I'm currently 16 in the 10th grade and my life has been going down hill faster than I can keep up with. "Wake up idiot!" My annoying sister whines in my ear "Can you bother someone else demon spawn?" "That's not my name but anyway..." she starts twiddling her thumbs "Can I get some money?" "Are you serious?" "No, I just wanted to wake you up on time so your not late to school because I love you." "Yeah that's definitely not it. The day you're nice is when the sky starts falling Jess." She gives me an angry look and extends her arm out. "Money" "Fine" I let out a sigh and point to my dresser. "It's in there. So can I get ready now?" "Of course bro" she said making that devilish smile of hers.

Sometimes I wish I was an only child. I get dressed and head downstairs to grab my bag and head out but my mom blocks the door. "Hey ma" "Don't 'hey ma' me young man. Do you know what time it is?" "It's around 7 right?" I say confidently "It's 8 o'clock.". I look at the clock and yup, it's 8. I'm so late. "Well I'll just run to the train if you'll excuse me" I said as I squeeze besides her and run out the door.

I finally make it to school after forty minutes of walking and train taking, which isn't very fun if you went on one before. I swipe my ID and make my way to 2nd period. Time flies by and it's finally lunch. My stomach reminds me that I didn't have breakfast so I head straight to the lunch line.

After I get my lunch I sat down and of course, everyone moved away from me like they've been doing since the beginning of the school year. "Maybe they think you're contagious like AIDS." Scott snickers. "AIDS aren't contagious like the flu idiot." Joselyn hissed at him. "I really do not want to hear you guys fighting." I mumbled to myself. These are the only two people who don't either hate me or tagged along with their friends to hate me.

Joselyn and Scott, knew them since freshman year and their still the only people who understand me or understands what happened at least. "So are we still gonna ditch after school and go to the mall?" Scott elbows me. "Well unless we're gonna be tourists in target, no can do. My sister took the last of my money. Could barely even pay for some Doritos" I let out a sigh. "That sucks. I wouldn't even let my mom near my money" Scott said with a grin. "Yeah right, that's because you don't have any." Joselyn said while biting into her pb&j. We all argue and eat together, then the bell rings. "Well looks like it's time to go. See you guys la-*bringgggg* *bringggg*"

I get cut off by the fire alarm and we all rush downstairs. As we walk down the stairs I see a strange man I never saw before. "Hey who are you?" I ask the man "The flames will be your guide" he says to me with a grin. Before I can say anything his hands become ablaze and I back away before flames shoot out of his hands and hits the wall behind me, there's silence and no movement before the fear hits everyone. Everyone runs and screams down the stairs, I lose balance and fall down being trampled by everyone. "This isn't time for a nap!" A hand reaches out for me and I grab it, it's Scott with a nervous look on his face "Who the hell is that?" He points towards the man that's hands are still on fire. "Should we take him to medical or-" another ball of fire zips passed us. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask "Where did Joselyn go?" Scott said, but it seems like we were both thinking something else. We without hesitation charge towards the fire wielding man.

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