Chap26-A gum blowing Druid

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Dammit...dammit...dammit! Something hits me in my head, fully waking me up. "Dammit." I hear a familiar voice say. I get hit in the head again. "Hey!" I call out. "Oh! Your awake finally!" "Is that you Nick?" "Yeah.". "We've been chained up." Scott said. I try to move my arms but can't. A door opens and the lights turn on, leaving me dazed.

"You guys are awake! Good." Lexi said looking around. The room is circular and all of us are chained on the wall, even Clark. There are two tables in the middle. She grabs Joselyn and Nick from the wall and shoves then onto the table, locking them in place. "I don't advise you use magic cause that spell on your head will fry you." She winks at me.

"An anti-spell spell?" I think. She pulls out two syringes "These will show us how much power these dragons have! Also so I can separate it better.". "Separate what?" Joselyn said trying to get free. "The magic obviously." She said cleaning the needle. "Wait! You don't have to this. I- I'll let you keep the D.L if you leave them alone." I blurt out.

Lexi starts to laugh "You really think I would believe you?". We all try to argue with her but she continues. She injects them and we all go quiet. The room starts to shake and the chains on the table break.

Both of their eyes start to glow, vines and water burst everywhere. Lexi gets pushed into the corner. The pressure of the vines cause the wall to break letting Scott and Clark free. We all get water splashed on our faces erasing the effects of the spell.

Ellie opens her mouth and nothing comes out but the shaking stops. Joselyn, Nick and Clark fall to the ground. Scott rush's through the vines and out the door Lexi came through. Lexi struggles in the vines as we use spells to escape our shackles. I use a fire spell to burn through the vines.

I go over to Lexi and snatch my D.L back and go through the door. "They can handle themselves." I repeat over and over in my head. Distracted, I crash into Scott making all our weapons fall. "Nice going captain." Scott gives me a smug look. "Shut up." I said picking up the weapons. Me and Scott go back into the room, to be Lexi being chained up.

"What do you want from us?" Ellie glares at her. "Oh nothing really. I just want to use that dragon power you have." Lexi smiles. A spell formation appears under her and she turns into dust. "Damn she got away!" Joselyn punches the wall and immediately regrets it. We all get our stuff back and head out of the building.

"What did you do to us Ellie?" Nick asks dazed a little. "Well it's like a dog whistle but can also be heard by dragons." Ellie answers. "More importantly where are we?" Jack said looking around. "Well it says a dragon is somewhere near by." I said looking at the D.L.

We agree to follow the D.L to the location. I start to see a mountain in the distance. "We aren't going to that volcano right?" Joselyn looks at me. "It seems like we are." I said continuing on. We pass by some people and ask them if there's a town near the volcano and they nod.

It turns night and we set up camp and rest. The sun beaming in my face wakes me up. I hear twigs crack and turn in the direction to see something staring at me. I arm myself and get a better view and see a girl with a giant mallet wearing shorts and a ripped shirt. She starts to go through Joselyn's bag. "Hey stop!" I yell.

That wakes Joselyn starling the girl. She screams and starts to choke. Joselyn starts the Heimlich maneuver. She coughs up gum? "Well thanks. But next time just let me steal from you. Okay?" The girl demands. "Who the hell are you? I just saved you!" Joselyn glares at her.

"Well excuse me, but I'm a Druid." She exclaims. "You? A Druid? Aren't they supposed to be beautiful and nice?" "Hey! I am beautiful and I am one! I've been.. um kicked out..". I can see Joselyn trying not to laugh. "Wait if you're a Druid then prove it." I said. She holds out her hands and creates a bubble around us. Everything starts to get colder.

"I can even make things hotter or colder." She smirks. She disperse the bubble and that wakes everyone up. "Who's this?" Ellie looks at her. "Oh me? I'm Anastasia May." She declares. "Can you dumb it down?" Scott chuckles. "Ugh just call me Ana." Ana said.

"Would you like to help us out? Since we just helped you." I grin. "What do you want?" Ana whines. "Join our team. We need a Druid even a rogue one." I said holding out my hand. "Why would I join you? You guys could be weirdos for all I know plus I don't have time for stupidness." "It could help you get back with the other Druid's.".

She immediately shakes my hand. "Gladly!" She smiles. "Well next stop, a volcano." I said. Ana walks ahead of us and signals us to follow. "Follow me I have a shortcut to getting there!" She said. We follow her to a giant hole.

We huddle with her to try to not fall in. She creates a bubble and rolls us into the hole. A burst of air sends us flying into the sky, straight towards the volcano.

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