Chap12-The Jack that said "wolf?"

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The lady, or should I say Jess said only three days. Three days turned into a week instead. I don't know how but time flew by very fast. The first day was endurance. She made us run through the forest and back, which is pretty much the length of a football field. She made us  take our weapons which was weird at first but I realized that there were goat spiders, which isn't a very nice sight to see. There were others but going into details would mentally scar me more.

The second day was strength. We all gathered around the hurdles waiting for our tasks. "You all will hurdle over and over while fighting each other." Jess said happily. Joselyn looked at her with pleading eyes "You're kidding right?". Jess chuckled for a while and sat back down"No.". We spend the rest of the day sparring and falling over. By the time the day was over everything hurt. "Can we take a break tomorrow?" Jack groaned while our unnamed wolf pup licked his face. "Of course not." Jess said with a smile. "The bandits won't have to worry about us cause by then we'll be in too much pain to fight." Joselyn said trying to get up.

The third day was speed. We had to dodge Jess's attacks. Which seemed like a pretty funny idea at first. But then she made clones of herself and then things got tricky. She proceeded to beat the crap out of us while we tried to move out the way but failed miserably. After we were all tired from training we all sat together at the fire.

Scott pokes at the fire with a stick "So how exactly are we gonna get out of this mess after we confront those bandits?". "I have no clue." Jack said sadly "You guys just want to go home badly." Nick said scratching his back with his tail. "Have we tried our cell phones?" Jack said jumping up. I reach for my pockets and nope no phone. Before we all fell into Adraran we put our phones into a bin. Basically in our "fun" school we all have to put our phones away before we entered the lunchroom.

Joselyn stands up and starts to walk to the blacksmith house. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She said with a frown on her face. Seeing Joselyn sad is a once in a lifetime thing so this makes me realize that this is bad. We all want to go home but we can't. I get up and stare at everyone.

"Us getting all sad isn't going to help us. We can figure out a way to get out of this mess later but now we need to help these people out." I said trying to sound confident. All this sad stuff is really getting tiring. We all sit down and talk some more before heading to the blacksmith to put our stuff away, and head to an inn.

After four more days of training after training we finally finish. I lay on a rock beside Jack. "Wassup?" "Laying here." "Sounds like it's going good." "Yeah.". We awkwardly relax beside each other. I look at Jack and see him gazing into the sky. "Wondering how everyone else is doing at home?" "Yeah. Also how were gonna survive this." he frowns.

"We're fine, Well now at least. We'll make it." I said elbowing him. "Let's try to get some rest." He said getting up and I follow to the old blacksmith.

I wake up to the sound of a wolf howling. I look up and see a angry wolf staring at me. I jump out and try to ready the sword that's not there. "God can someone control him?" Joselyn gestures to the very upset wolf. "What do you mean control him?" Scott said walking out of the blacksmith with some meat. He throws it at Jack, who's still not awake and the wolf starts to eat it getting saliva and other nasty stuff on Jack.

He wakes up and screams and pushes to wolf off. "What the hell?" Jack said glaring at Scott. "That's your wolf." Joselyn says with a disapproving look. "Why is he so... huge?" Jack says eyeing the beast.

I notice that it is our wolf but he's huge. Its like those videos you see of an animal growing up in only seconds. "So why is he so huge?" I finally ask. "It's just how wolves are here." Jess said walking out of the blacksmith house. Jess walks up to him and starts to pet him "He's adorable. But how are we gonna call him without a name?".

Hearing that gets our furry friend excited. He starts to shake his head around and wag his tail. "It seems like you wanna say something. I'll help you." Jess smiles as she presses her hand on top of the wolves head. Smoke starts to come off of his head and he stays stiff as a rock. Jack runs towards Jess but Joselyn stops him "What are you doing to him?" He questions.

The smoke comes to an end and the wolf falls to the ground. We all stare in silence. "How dare you put such pressure on my head?" a voice said. We all look for where it's coming from. The wolf now with a mark of a sword on it's head stares at Jack. "You still haven't given me a name. I want one, now". "Is that our.. wolf?" Jack said baffled. Jack, no all of us look in surprise. "Well I'm waiting.".

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