Sitting up to look at her seriously, "I apologise," he took her right hand and kissed it, "Miss Moss, would you do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend?"

Mikayla's smile grew large as she pretended to think things over for a minute before saying, "I'd be delighted Mr. Arnauld."

"Good, because I wasn't taking no for an answer," he grinned as he kissed her. Pulling back, he asked again, "So? Paris with my parents? They can't wait to meet you."

She looked at him for a moment, "You really want me to meet your parents? So soon? What if we break up...?" her words trailing to a halt, as she saw his expression change.

Damien frowned as he sat up and pulled her up with him, "We're not breaking up, not tomorrow, not next week, not ever." His lips were suddenly on hers as he kissed her fiercely, "Unless you grow tired of me," his voice suddenly sounding uncertain.

Mikayla's swollen lips parted slightly as she processed Damien's words fully, "I don't think I could ever get tired of you; annoyed yes, but tired, never! Although it might be the other way around."

"Heh! Never! I love how you keep me on my toes," he smiled as he continued, "so, I'll come by tomorrow mid-afternoon yea?"

Rolling her eyes, "Fine!"

————— ▲ —————

The doorbell rang the next day and Mikayla made her way to her apartment door to let Hannah in. Before she could even say hello, she was greeted by Hannah's outburst.

"Oh my god, you definitely got some penisssssss! Yes!" Hannah exclaimed as she took in the glow radiating off of Mikayla. She entered the apartment and excitedly jumped up and down, "I want to know every nasty detail!"

"Gosh you're horrid when you're ready," Mikayla grumbled.

"Not my fault you're glowing, I can tell that he thoroughly handled you and that he was amazing in the bedroom," Hannah grinned as she followed Mikayla into the living room to talk.

They spent the next few hours talking over light refreshments. Mikayla told Hannah everything, making special mention of Bethany's appearance and how uncomfortable it had made her feel.

"I love how Damien handled the situation, that was classic," Hannah grinned.

Mikayla frowned slightly, "Ugh, he can be so rude sometimes."

"I can't wait to meet him, seeing you two in the same room is going to be fun. From everything that you've told me these last few weeks, I want to see it with my own eyes so that I can confirm my theory," Hannah said with a smile on her face.

"See what? What theory?" Mikayla asked in confusion.

"How much he loves you too," Hannah simply said.

Mikayla suddenly chocked on her water at Hannah's statement, "Huh? Loves me too? That would imply that I love him, I never said that I did."

"You don't need to Miks, I've known you for years! There's no way you would have slept with him if you didn't have intense feelings for him." Hannah's blue eyes softened as she looked at her best friend, "And if you didn't acknowledge your full feelings for him before, after this weekend you definitely know for sure how you feel!"

Making a tsk sound with her mouth Mikayla added, "Fine! We can't assume that he loves me in return though."

"Who are you trying to fool woman? He blatantly kissed you in front of your co-worker and he wants you to meet his parents. This from a guy who's never brought a woman back to his apartment before, let's not be dumb now," Hannah said with an eyebrow raised.

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