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Warning: Smut / Sexual Topics and Themes


Ivan's Pov:

I woke up to Alfred next to me. I laid there and admired his cute face while he slept and eventually caressed my hand through his hair. He woke up before saying;

Alfred: "Mornin' Ruski."

Ivan: "Good morning, babe."

I threw the covers off and pulled out my phone.

-------------------------- 2 texts! ----------------------

Poland: "Want to come to Germany's party with me? It's today."

Germany: "Hey Ivan want to bring Alfred over to my party today? We'll have vodka and other alcohol. It won't be too many people."


Me: "Germany is having a party with alcohol today. Want to go?"

Alfred: "Sure."

I pulled out my phone to text Germany.


Me: "Sure. Alfred said we could go."

Germany: "Great! Come to my house with Alfred in 1 hour. It lasts until people leave."

Me: "I'll be there NAYL."

[NAYL Is text speak for in a while]


Me: "1 hour till it starts. We better get going up."

Alfred then pulled the covers off him and we both hopped out the bed. When he walked out the door I swept him up by the legs and carried him bridal style downstairs.

Alfred: "I can carry myself right now, Ruski."

Me: "Didn't you say you wanted me to hold you more?"

Alfred: "Well.. Yeah, I did."

Me: "So I'm doing it."

I walked with him to the table and sat him down in the chair next to me. My two sisters giggled at how I was holding him. I and Alfred ate our breakfast and both finished it quickly. Katyusha took our plates and washed them.

Me: "We better go ahead and get going."

Alfred: "Yep."

We decided to walk because it wasn't that far. We walked for a bit until Alfred got tired.

Alfred: "Can we- *ʜᴜғғ* Take a- *ʜᴜғғ* Break.. *ʜᴜғғ*"

Me: "This would be quicker."

I scooped him off his feet and carried him the rest of the distance. When we git there I set him on his feet and opened the door.

Poland: "Hey guys!"

Germany: "Welcome!"

I and Alfred walked in with our hands locked and I closed the door behind us. I saw a few vodkas sitting on the bar and immediately paced over to them.

Alfred: "Don't get too drunk, Ruski."

Me: "No promises."

He walked over with me but when he saw some beer cans on the table he quickly paced over to them and pulled two out for himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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