War And Find Out A Surprise

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*Aragorn's pov*

We were riding on the boats with Legolas on my left and Caladwen on my right.I looked at her and saw her face go to horror.

Me: "What is it, my love?"

Caladwen: "I'm watching threw Amaras eye's.The battle at Gondor as started they are fighting now.Humans from the North are fighting with the orcs."

I took her hand.

Me: "We are almost there."

After a while we got to the land with the orcs and goblins were.All four of us jumped off I had my sword in hand.We started walking to them.

Gimli: "Theres plenty for the both of us.Let the best Dwarve win."

We charged at them with the ghost behind us.The look on their faces was priceless.



I was fighting with Caladwen and Legolas near.I saw the elephants coming.

Me: "Legolas!Caladwen!Bring them down!"

They both ran and jumped on the elephants and killed the men driving them.I saw they nodded at each other then shot arrows in their heads.Then they came down by sliding on their trunks.But my eyes widen when I heard a scream, I looked and saw my love had got shot in the shoulder.


She came up to me,while taking out the arrow.The ghost finished the rest.


*Caladwen's pov*

I was standing there with Aragorn,Legolas and Gimli in front of the ghost.

King: "Release us."

Gimli: "Bad idea.Very handy in a tight spot, these lads, despite the fact they're dead."

King: "You gave us your word."

Me: "They deserve to be at rest."

Aragorn: "I hold your oath fulfilled.Go.Be at peace."

I smiled at Aragorn then the King, they smiled as they disappeared.We started walking to Gandalf when my head started getting light headed.

Aragorn: "Love?"

Me: "I feel so tired."

I suddenly went limp and passed out.


*Gandalf's pov*

My eye's went wide when I saw Caladwen pass out in Aragorn's arm's.

Aragorn: "Caladwen?"

Me: "Quickly, get her inside."

We ran inside while Legolas went to get Merry and Pippen.Aragorn put her on the bed and I checked her for anything that harmed her.But when I felt her stomach I felt a bump.I looked at Aragorn and smiled.

Aragorn: "What is it?"

Me: "My dear boy,I believe you and Caladwen are going to be expecting your first child."

I watched as his eyes widen and smiled.

Aragorn: "I can not wait."

I chuckled but looked down when I heard her moving.

Caladwen: "What happened?"

Aragorn: "Caladwen, my love.Gandalf says your pregnant."

She smiled then looked at me which caused me to laugh.

Caladwen: "Is it true?"

Me: "Yes, you are a couple weeks and already have a little bump."

I smiled when I saw her pull up her shirt smiling and Aragorn kissing her stomach.I left them alone.

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