The Journey Begins!

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We started walking away from Rivendell.Frodo and Sam are on my left while Aragorn is on my right.

Frodo: "So did Bilbo talk to trolls like he said?"

Me: "Talk?I had to tell him to try and creat a diversion until Gandalf got there."

Sam: "Like what?"

Me: "Well he said we all had parasites and that they didn't have the seasonings to make us into stew."

Frodo: "Really?"

Me: "Yeah."


We were taking a break,I walked up to Gandalf and gave him some food.

Gandalf: "Ah,thank you my dear."

Me: "Your welcome."

I walked over to Aragorn,who was sitting down and smoking his pip.I sat down and held his hand.We watch Boromir teach Merry and Pippen how to fight.

Boromir: "Two,one,five.Good! Very good."

Aragorn: "Move your feet."

Merry: "You look good,Pippen."

Pip: "Thanks."

Boromir: "Faster!"

I watched them while I heard Gimli and Gandalf talk.

Gimli: "If anyone was to ask for my opinion,which I note they're not.I'd say we were taking the long way'round.Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria.My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome."

Gandalf: "No, I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice."

My ring started glowing and told me to look to my left.I looked and saw something,so I got up and jumped on a rock along with Legolas.I looked after I heard Boromir say he was sorry.I smiled a little at them because Merry and Pippen got him on the ground and attacked him.


*Aragorns POV*

I laughed as Merry and Pippen tackled Boromir to the ground.

Merry: "For the Shire!"

Pippen: "Hold him.Hold him down,Merry!"

Merry: "You got my arm! You got my arm!"

I heard Sam ask something.

Sam: "What is that?"

Gimli: "Nothing.It's just a wisp of cloud."

I was next to Boromir because I helped get the two off of him.

Boromir: "It's moving fast.Against the wind."

Caladwen: "Crebain from Dunland!"

Me: "Hide!"

I saw Caladwen pick up Frodo and ran to a rock and made her cloak blend in with it.I was under a branch with Sam.When they passed I smiled when I saw Caladwen holding on to Frodo like a mother holding her child.

Gandalf: "Spies of Saruman.The passage south is being watched."

I saw him look at Caladwen and she gave him a nod.

Gandalf: "We must take the Pass of Caradhras."


*Frodos POV*

We were walking up a mountain in the snow which was really cold.I was right in front of Aragorn and Caladwen,she has become like a mother to me.I hope no harm comes to her,the snow was getting harder to walk in.It was so hard that it made me slip.

Caladwen: "Frodo!"

I stopped rolling down the hill and I looked up I saw Caladwen and Aragorn.I started wiping the snow off of me,the ring.I started freaking out out.

Caladwen: "What's wrong?"

Me: "I can't find the Ring."

Caladwen: "Don't worry,we will find it."

I saw her ring glow which caused her to look up.I saw her and Aragorn looking at Boromir who held the Ring.

Aragorn: "Boromir."

Boromir: "It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt, over so small a thing.Such a little thing."

Caladwen: "Boromir!"

He looked at her.

Caladwen: "Give the Ring to Frodo."

I saw Caladwens hand on her sword along with Aragorn.

Boromir: "As you wish."

He hands me the Ring,I grab it and put it on.

Boromir: "I care not."

He ruffles my hair,then he walks away.I saw Caladwen and Aragorn relax more.


*Caladwens POV*

Up in the snowy mountains was horrible,you can barley see your hands.I picked up Frodo.

Me: "Come here my dear."

He held on to me tight to get some warmth.Me and Legolas were walking on the snow because we were Elves.Aragorn had Sam,Boromir had Merry and Pippen.Me and Legolas looked at the air because we hear a voice.

Legolas: "There is a fell voice in the air."

The voice got louder.

Gandalf: "It's Saruman!"

We heard rocks cracking and saw rocks falling.I ran under the cliff holding onto Frodo tight.

Me: "He's trying to bring down the mountain!"

Aragorn: "Gandalf,we must go back!"

Gandalf: "No!"

He started to chant back but it was to late,snow came falling down on us.I layed Frodo down and covered him with my body.I got all the snow off of me,I got Frodo out first then I jumped out.He ran into my arms.

Boromir: "We must get off the mountain!Make for the Gap of Rohan,and take the west road to my city!"

Aragorn: "The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!"

Gimli: "We cannot pass over a mountain.Let us go under it.Let us go through the Mines of Moria."

I looked at Gandalf and gave him a nod,I knew what he was going to say.

Gandalf: "Let the Ring-bearer decided."

Frodo looked up at me scared.What should I do? he thought to me.Do what you think is right.I am with you no matter what I thought to him.

Frodo: "We will go through the Mines."

I looked at Gandalf with fear in my eyes as his showed the same fear.

Gandalf: "So be it."

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