The Dark Forest And A Surprise.

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*Aragorn's POV*

It's been a few days after Gandalf and my love fell into the Shadow.A lot has happened,we lost Boromir, Merry and Pippen were taken by Orcs, Frodo and Sam went on there own to Mordor.Me,Gimli and Legolas are tracking down Merry and Pippen,we are in the dark forest noe because I found tracks leading to it.We stopped for a little bit,we watched Gimli try something but spits it out.

Gimli: "Orcs blood."

I jumped around while looking at some tracks.

Me: "These are strange tracks."

Oh,Caladwen, I miss you so much I thought.

Gimli: "The air is so close in here."

Legolas: "This forest is old.Very old.Full of memory...and anger."

We some groaning.

Legolas: "The trees are speaking to each other."

I looked behind me and saw Gimli with his ax out.

Me: "Gimli!Lower your ax."

Legolas: "Aragorn,nad no ennas!(Something's out there!)"

I walked up to him.

Me: "Man cenich?(What do you see?)"

Legolas: "The White Wizard approaches."

Me: "Do not let him speak.He will put a spell on us."

We ready our weapons.

Me: "We must be quick."

Gimli threw is ax and Legolas shot an arrow but he blocked them both and made my sword grow hot.I droped my sword and looked at the wizard with a bright light still surrounds him.

???: "You are tracking the footsteps of two young Hobbits."

Me: "Where are they?"

???: "They passed this way the day before yesterday.They met two people they did not expect.Does that comfort you?"

Me: "Who are you?Show yourself!"

The bright light grew less bright and we were shocked to find it was Gandalf,standing before us.

Me: "It cannot be."

He smiled at us.

Me: "You fell."

I started thinking,If he survived then maybe,my beloved survived too I thought.

Gandalf: "Through fire...and water.From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak we fought with the Balrog of Morgoth.Until at last we threw down our enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.Darkness took us and we strayed out of thought and time.Stars wheeled overhead..and every day was as long as a life age of the Earth.But it was not the end.We felt life in us again.We've been sent back,my partner will stay here but I will stay until my task is done."

Me: "Gandalf."

Gandalf: "Gandalf?Yes.That is what they used to call me.Gandalf the Gray.That was my name."

Gimli: "Gandalf."

Gandalf: "I am Gandalf the White.And we come back to you the turn of the tide."

Gimli: "Gandalf?"

Gandalf: "Oh,I forgot to introduce my partner.Silly me,you can come out now my dear."

He looked to his left and so did we.I fell to my knees along with the other two.There before us stood a beautiful she-elf with long blonde hair down to her waist,bright forest green eyes,her beautiful smile..It was my soul mate,my true love,my Caladwen.She was wearing a golden dress with a gold cloak around her,a silver and golden crown along with her ring of purity.

Me: "Caladwen?"

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Me: "Caladwen?"

Caladwen: "Hello,my love."

Legolas and Gimli instantly ran and hugged her.Gandalf laughed at them and smiled when she helped me stand up.I put my right hand on her face and kissed her lips with mine in a passionate way.We pulled away and smiled at each other.

Gandalf: "Everyone,this is Caladwen the Gold.And Aragorn you might want to ask her now because it will be awhile before you get a perfect chance again."

Caladwen: "Ask me what?"

Legolas: "You don't know?"

Caladwen: "No,my ring won't tell me.It's being mean."

I smiled and pulled out my mother's ring.

Me: "I have was going to ask you before the cave but didn't get the chance.And I didn't think I would get to after you fell into Shadow.Caladwen Almárëa,will you become my wife?"

I saw her crying and smiling then she flung herself into my arms say yes over and over.I smiled real big and put the ring on.

Gandalf: "I do hate to ruin a golden moment but we must be off."


We were walking with Gandalf up front.

Gandalf: "One stage of your journey is over.Another begins."

Caladwen: "War has come to Rohan.We must ride to Edoras with all speed."

We were out of the forest and watched Gandalf whistle.We saw two great white horses run to us.One had a star shape on it's forehead.

Legolas: "That is two of the Mearas unless my eyes are cheated by some spell."

Gandalf: "Shadowfax and his brother Starfax."

The one with the star stopped in front of Caladwen.

Gandalf: "They are the Lord's of all horses."

Me and the others bow to them.

Caladwen: "They have been our friends through many dangers."

I smiled watching her pet Starfax.I finally have my Caladwen back I thought.

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