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*Caladwens POV*

After Frodo got done hugging me we heard more screeching.

Gandalf: "To the Bridge of Khazad-dûm!"

We all started running but had to stop because we were surrendered by thousands of Goblins and Orcs.Me and Gandalf looked at the door that let out a big growl and saw red.Oh no I thought.Get ready for one of our roughest battle yet,Caladwen.I need your help he thought.All the Orcs and Goblins started running away.

Boromir: "What is this new devilry?"

Gandalf: "A Balrog."

Me: "A demon of the ancient world.This foe is beyond any of you.Run!"

We ran but me and Gandalf let the others go first.We are the only ones that can stop the demon but Gandalf is to weak to do it by himself.So while I hold a light shield around us,he will shoot at it.Boromir almost fell but Legolas pulled him back from the edge just in time.Me and Gandalf held Aragorn back.

Gandalf: "Lead them on,Aragorn."

Me: "The bridge is near."

We looked at the bridge,he was about to say something but Gandalf pushed him.

Gandalf: "Do as we say! Swords are no more use here."

I gave him a kiss,I love you, Aragorn I thought to him.He looked like he was about to cry.

Me: "Go! Now!"

We were running down the steps but the steps were broken.Me and Legolas jumped first,then Gandalf.They started shooting arrows so both me and Legolas toke out our bows and shot the ones in between the eyes.

Boromir: "Merry! Pippen!"

He grabbed them and jumped.Me and Legolas kept shooting arrows at the Orcs and hit all our targets.

Aragorn: "Sam!"

He threw him across then getting caught by Boromir.Aragorn looked at Gimli.

Gimli: "Nobody tosses a Dwarf."

He jumped but was about to fall but Legolas grabbed his beard.

Gimli: "Not the beard!"

Legolas pulls him up.Then we looked at Frodo and Aragorn.The bridge started breaking again.

Aragorn: "Steady."

Gandalf: "Hold on!"

Another growl was heard then the steps behind them got crushed.It was about to break from under them.

Aragorn: "Hang on!"

I am so worried.

Aragorn: "Lean forward!"

They both leaned forward and the steps followed.They both jumped Legolas caught Aragorn while I caught Frodo.We started running again.We were at the bridge and me and Gandalf were at the side.

Me: "Over the bridge!"

Gandalf: "Fly!"

After everyone passed us,a second later Balrog showed its face.We ran until we were in the middle then stopped and turned around.Now! he thought to me.I instantly put up a shield of light around us and it had to take both my hands to do it.

Gandalf: "You cannot pass!"

Frodo: "Gandalf!Mom!"

Gandalf: "We are the servants of the Light,wielder of the light of Purity."

Me: "The dark fire will not avail you!"

Gandalf: "Light of Udûn!"

The demons sword clashed onto my shield but I sent a shock of lightning at him.

Gandalf: "Go back to the Shadow."

He big ball of light came from his staff.And before he let it go he said.

Gandalf: "You shall not pass!"

Then let it go by slamming his staff down,we watched as the demon fell.I put my shield down as Gandalf smiled at me,we turned around.I felt the whip wrap around us and we fell,Gandalf was holding onto to the ledge and I was holding onto a rock that was about to break off.My ring glowed and said that I was about to fall,so I closed my eyes and told everyone threw their minds that I love them.My rock broke off causing me to fall.

Gandalf: "Caladwen!"

Frodo: "Mom!"

Aragorn: "No!!"


*Frodos POV*

I was about to run to help Gandalf because I just saw my mom drop into the Shadow,and I wouldn't let that happen to him.But Legolas held me back,I looked at Gandalf.

Gandalf: "Fly! You fools!"

Then he let go of the ledge.

Me: "No!!!!!!!"

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