Facing Goblins And A Cave Troll.

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*Caladwens POV*

I don't know where I was but I know someone was carrying me.Wake up.Caladwen wake up,a fight is coming.I know that voice,it was my ring.I opened my eyes and saw Aragorn carrying me.I whispered in his ear.

Me: "You can put me down now,my love."

He looked at me and smiled.He put me down after he kissed me.I saw Gandalf sitting on a rock,I smiled and went to talk to him.

Gandalf: "I see you got your strength back."

Me: "Yes, I did.May I help you think of which way to go?"

Gandalf: "By all means.'

We sat there quietly but I did end up hearing them talk.

Pip: "Are we lost?"

Merry: "No."

Pip: "I think we are."

Merry: "Shh Gandalf and Caladwen are thinking."

Pip: "Merry?"

Merry: "What?"

Pip: "I'm hungry."

I also heard Boromir,Legolas and Gimli talking Aragorn.

Gimli: "So..you and me godmother?"

Aragorn: "Yes,Gimli.Me and your godmother are together."

Legolas: "You love her,I know you do.Its in your eyes when you look at her,you smile real big when you think about her."

Boromir: "Oh yeah,he's in love."

I was cut short of my hearing when Frodo came to me and Gandalf.

Frodo: "There's something down there."

Gandalf: "It's Gollum."

Frodo: "Gollum?"

Gandalf: "He's been following us for three days."

Frodo: "He escaped the dungeons of Barad-dûr?"

Me: "Escaped..or set loose."

Gandalf: "He hates and loves the Ring,as he hates and loves himself."

Me: "He will never be rid of his need for it."

Frodo: "It's a pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance."

Gandalf: "Pity?"

We looked at Frodo.

Gandalf: "It is pity that stayed Bilbo's hand."

Me: "Many that live deserve death.Some that die deserve life."

Gandalf: "Can you give it to them, Frodo?"

Me: "Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgment.Even the wise cannot see all ends."

I looked at Gandalf.

Gandalf: "My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet,for good or ill before this is over."

Me: "The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many."

Frodo sat down in my lap.

Frodo: "I wish the Ring had never come to me.I wish none of this had happen."

Me: "So do all who live to see such times.But that is not for them to decide.All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo,besides the will of evil.Bilbo was meant to find the Ring.In which case,you also were meant to have it.And that is an encouraging thought."

My ring glowed telling me that we have to go left.Gandalf we need to go left,if anyone ask just say it is the smell I thought,Ah thank you my dear, and I'm proud of you.You have great wisdom in you he thought.I smiled at him.

Gandalf: "Oh,it's that way."

Everyone started getting up.

Merry: "He's remembered."

Gandalf: "No, But the air doesn't smell so foul down here."

I looked at Frodo.It was you that told him the way he thought,I just smiled and winked at him.He just smiles and walks with Sam.

Gandalf: "If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose."

I smirked and rolled my eyes.


We were walking threw the hall but stopped when Gimli started running threw some doors.

Gandalf: "Gimli!"

We all ran after him but stopped when we looked around.

Gimli: "No!"

I looked around and saw some of my old friends from the company.I walked to the skeleton that looked like Balin.I knew it was him because he held the journal that I got him in Rivendell.I picked it up.

Gandalf: "Give it to me,my dear."

I handed to Gandalf then walked to Aragorn,who can see some tears from my eyes.He wrapped his arms around me as my tears fell.

Gandalf: "They have taken the bridge and the second hall.We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long.The ground shakes.Drums,drums in the deep.We cannot get out.A shadow moves in the dark.We cannot get out.They are coming."

I felt a small arms around me along with Aragorns.I looked down and saw Frodo.I was about to say something but I heard a loud noise.I looked and saw Pippen had accidentally knocked a skeleton into the well.

Gandalf: "Fool of a Took.Throw yourself in next time,and rid us of your stupidity."

My ring was screaming at me to get my weapons out because my strength to use my powers are still low.We heard the drumming getting louder.

Sam: "Frodo."

I saw Frodo's sword turn blue.

Legolas: "Orcs."

Boromir went to close the doors.

Aragorn: "Get back! Stay close to Gandalf!"

Frodo! Are you wearing your Methril? I thought to him,he looks at me and nods his head yes.I had mine on too.I took out my silver bow along with a silver arrow.

Boromir: "They have a cave-troll."

We all got ready to fight,I pointed my bow at the door.I started shooting arrows left and right.The cave-troll comes in and started going for Frodo while Legolas tried to bring him down.I shot the troll in the face which caused it to look at me.My ring was glowing like crazy, telling me to run and so on.The troll looked at my ring and then started charging at me.I riched to take out another arrow but I ran out,I was corned and still didn't have strength to use my powers.I looked when Frodo yelled for me,but black out when I felt pain in my left shoulder near my heart.


*Aragorns POV*

I heard Frodo yelling.

Frodo: "Mom!"

I looked and saw my Caladwen get stabbed in the left shoulder by the troll.It even threw her near Frodo.

Me: "Frodo!Caladwen!"

I was still fighting some ocrs while watching Frodo trying to wake up Caladwen.But he also got stabbed for trying to protect her.

Me: "No!"

I ran over to them while Legolas killed the troll.Frodo layed on Caladwen in a protective manner.

Me: "Oh no."

I rolled Frodo over and heard him gasp and so did Caladwen.

Frodo: "It's ok,we're fine."

Me: "You two should be dead."

Frodo pulled down his shirt and so did Caladwen.

Gimli: "Methril!You two are full of surprises."

I kissed Caladwen then pulled away.Frodo hugged her.

Another Ring(Aragorn love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon