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Birds chirped. I wake up and strech arms. I groan. Today is school. I don't like school. A boy there bully me. He hot tho. I like him. I moved from bed, my feet touch floor. Sun comes in from window and hits me. I feEel *voice crack* warm. (I going thru pubrty, no judge) Someone knocks on my door. "Hello?" I said. "It is me, Miss Keily. I am here to inform you that school is going to begin in 30 minutes. You must hurry if you wish to be on time. Sir Vtexted me to say he is already there and is awaiting your arrival." My butler tells me. "Oh, ok." I go into bathroom in my room and brush my teeth. Mmmm, bubblegum toothpasate. I comb my hair. It is black and straight and broing. No wonder people don't look at me. I putted on glasses. They black and bigg rimmed. They make me look nerdy. I get picked on a lot cuz of them. I finished my morning routine and i walked down stairs to see my butler there. He bowed to me. He open front door for me and gestured for me to go out. I walked out of front door into back seat of black Sedan. Once i am in, my butler got into driver seat. He start engine and drove off towards Bighit High. I looke out window at passing scenery and sigh. I no wanna go to school. Me and my butler arrives at school. I stepp out of Sedan and bowed to butler. he nod and drove off. I place a hand on my chest and breathed in. Time for hell, ig. I adjust mis lentes and walked to the school entrance. My friends show up and greeted me. Their names are Mina, Eunji, and Hana. They all beautiful. Eunji is oldest and acts like mother. Mina is second oldest but she acts like she's younger then me. Hana is a week older than me and take good care of me. I love them all. We walk to our first class... maths. I wanna choke. I hate maths. The only good thing about maths is he is in there. He calls me nerd in there though so it does make e sad. We walk into maths class and sit down. i turn my head to side and see him talking with his friends. You may be wonderin who he exactly is. Shhh... be quiet, Imma tell you. His name is Jeon Jungkook and he is my bully. He is sexy and hot and mean but i find him alluring. I want him but he doesnt like me. He hurts me. I just want him to hold me once. Teacher enters and class quieted down. Ms. Song bgins teaching algebra and i almost fall asleep. She has monotonous voice and is boring. My head touches desk. a ball of paper smacks me. I lift head up and turn. I see Jungkook chuckling with friends. He makes eye contact with me. He points towards the floor next to me. I turn> Paper ball sits right there. I pick up and flatten it out. Big words spell out NERD and i fell like crying. I sniffle and mrs. song turns to look at me. "Is something wrong, Keily?" I shook my head. "Just allergies, mrs. song." "Alright." she returned to righitng on the board. The bell rung and everyone ran out. I had the rest of my classes with Jungkook. I zoned out in class. It was then lunch time.


i hope no one takes this seriously

In Love W/ My 🍆💦 🔥 Buff Cute Bully Qrtrbck AKA My Brother's BFF Drama EnsuesWhere stories live. Discover now