Chapter 1

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Jughead POV

*flashback to this morning*

After I had refilled my coffee, Dad said, “So I think it’s time we give our announcement.”

I just gave him a thumbs up, saying that if it’s important I would talk.

Ms. Cooper started and said “Well, we’re going to have a baby.” She smiled.

All of us had our jaws on the floor, Jellybean was the first to recover, “You’re pregnant?”

“Yes.” She replied.

I didn’t know what to say, or do. So I grabbed my pills and took them. After a couple more minutes I spoke up, “So, are you going to get married?”

Ms. Cooper just chuckled, “I mean as of this moment, no. But we don’t know what the future will hold.”

“Let’s hope this first born isn’t defective.” I mumbled under my breath, and took a sip of coffee.


Jughead POV

After the very long, very awkward conversation saying that I am moving to the Northside soon, the four of us headed to the Whyte Wyrm. Hoping that there would be something to distract us from the morning we just had.

Toni was working at the bar and Fangs and Sweet Pea were playing pool. T-bone was at a football practice, “Hey guys!” She said “What brings you guys in here so early?”

“We’re trying to forget the entirely awkward conversation that we had with our parents this morning.” Betty explained.

“What was it about?” Toni asked.

“We’re not allowed to say yet.” I explained.

“We do need to tell them the second part though.” Jellybean said,

No. I signed at her.

Seriously, they are going to feel like you just left them high and dry if you don’t. Jellybean signed back.

No, I am not telling them, end of story. I signed at her

Maybe I should tell them, they’re my friends too. She signed back

No. You do not get to tell them. We will tell them when dad announces the other part. I explained

They’re your friends. You know now, you might as well prepare for it. She insisted.

“What are you not telling me?” Toni asked.

“Were you listening to our conversation?”I asked

“Yes. Now answer the d*mn question.” She exclaimed. At that moment, Sweet Pea and fangs came over.

“What’s going on?” Sweet Pea asked.

“Why can’t we tell them?” Betty whined.

“Because your mom and my dad want to tell everyone okay?” I exclaimed, getting really irritated with her.

“I meant about the other part, stupid. They’re going to find out anyway.” She said.

“Because I don’t want to leave!” I exclaimed and then as soon as I realized I said it, I walked out the door.

I knew it was chicken to just walk away but I just kept walking away from everyone, they’d find out soon enough that I was moving to the Northside, and that’d be just another reason for them to hate me. Before I knew what I was doing, I was at the base of the treehouse. I climbed up and laid down on the bed, I didn’t want to deal with life right now, so I took out my hearing aids and took off my beanie and placed them next to the bed. I also put my phone on vibrate and sat it on the bed so I could feel it, if it goes off. I laid down and fell asleep.

All I could think about was Ms. Cooper’s words:

“Do you know if it’s a boy or girl?” Jellybean asked.

“No, not yet. We just hope it’s healthy.” She replied

Healthy. I’ve never been healthy, I knew that, I had to take enough medicine that you would assume I’m an 80 year old, I have to wear hearing aids to be able to hear normal pitched sounds, but if it’s high pitched it could kill me. I came out a problem, because I came out too early. I lived in the hospital until I was about 3 years old and big enough to be at home. Where it wasn’t until I was 5 and headed to school that my parents could afford my first set of hearing aids. I’ve always just been a problem. My dad probably wouldn't have turned to alcohol if it wasn't for my medical bills.  Mom would have been happy with just Jellybean, and they would've been a normal family. I was the reason Jellybean had such a f*cked up life. Plus now I run a gang, what's a life for a f*cked up, gang leader. Before my mind could delve further, I felt my phone vibrate.

I'm worried about you. Can I join you?

I guess, my mind is fighting with me.

I loved how Archie always knew where I was headed but always asked first and gives me space to breathe first before he just bombards. Actually there is a lot of things I love about archie.

At that moment it hit me that I loved Archie, just, period. I love him. I loved how he knew when to be soft and when to be badass, how he always seemed to know what to say and I loved how he always seemed to take care of me. He took care of me, when I've spent my entire life taking care of everyone else around me. I took care of my dad when he was a drunk, I took care of my mom when she wasnt punching me, and I basically raised Jellybean myself.

I felt someone walk along the floor boards, so I opened my eyes to see Archie in front of where I was looking, leaning over me. I smiled at him, and he leaned down and I saw him mouth “Hey beautiful.”

I lifted my head a little and kissed him as I wound my fingers in his hair and pulled him down on top of me. I don't think he was expecting me to do that, because he almost fell completely on top of me. His hands braced themselves on each side of my head, he separated and I was wondering if I did something wrong until he moved to straddle my hips with his own. He grabbed my hands and wound his fingers through mine, put them by my shoulders and pulled me back into a kiss.

We had never done anything without my hearing aids. My other senses were going crazy. He smelled like the vanilla shampoo he had in his shower, and the remnants of the scent he picked up from the Whyte Wyrm from last night and this morning. He deepened the kiss and I was lost in the feeling of his tongue in my mouth.  

We broke apart trying to catch our breath, he looked at me and signed I love you.

I never taught him that, which means he looked it up and learned it on his own, for me. I honestly could have cried at that moment, he waited to tell me until I didn't have hearing aids so that I knew he loved me the way I actually am and signed I love you too.

He slowly moved his hands to cup my face, and drew me in for another kiss.

That is how we spent the next several hours, laying around, kissing each other, and pretending that the horror of today didn't happen.  

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