Chapter 27

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3rd Person POV

When Jughead finally got out of the hospital Him and Archie finally got their specialized baby doll that cries occasionally and you have to plug different keys into it to quiet the crying.

It took one week before Jughead was completely over it. He complained about it being not even close to how a real baby would act, and refused to do anything else with it. Plus right now it was a couple weeks before Alice's appointment to find out the gender of the twins. That means him and Jellybean were really focused on the planning of the party.

Which it was currently lunch at Riverdale High. Jughead was sitting with Kevin, Betty, Veronica and Archie. With their baby dolls, except for Veronica who pawned hers off on her partner. Of course Archie was writing for Jughead since he couldn't currently write with his arm being broken. Oh yeah and the bullet wound.

"So, I was thinking, remind me to talk to Jellybean about this, but I was thinking that since dad loves motorcycles we would get colored powder. Then Jellybean and I could ride the motorcycles." Jughead suggested

"You are not riding a motorcycle right now." Archie interjected.

All of a sudden, Jellybean came up to their table and sat next to Jughead. "What's the current plan?"

Jughead turned to her, "Why aren't you at school?"

She sighed I got suspended.

He turned and looked at her, "What?"

Well, there was these girls talking about me and I really, really tried to ignore them, but then one of them said something about Alice lowering her status because she was pregnant with a Southsider and that means that we were all scum and that they should just kill all Southsiders because it would get rid of crime. She explained.

Jughead took a deep breath, "Archie watch Riley, I have to go yell at a few girls and then at a Principal."

"Why can't I just take a competency test because I am so bored. Then I could be engaged in class and not dealing with this bull shit." She complained.

"Why didn't you say you were bored?" Jughead asked.

"Well, I didn't want you to go out of your way. Also, I didn't want to stand out more than I already was." She said shyly.

"Okay, another thing to talk to the principal about. What grade level do you think you're at?" He asked.

"I help Toni and Fangs with their homework." She stated.

He just rolled his eyes and then they headed out to the parking lot and Jellybean drove them on the bike. When they got to the middle school, there was a parted sea of people as he walked through. Needless to say, they had heard about when he got shot. A lot more people were scared of him now. When he slammed on the Principal's door, the middle schoolers were shaking. The principal was nervous.

Jughead POV

"Good. I have your attention." I said, and then let Jellybean come in before I shut the door. "Okay, two things. One, you need to control your bitch-ass middle schoolers. Two, she needs a competency test. If she is advance move her up in grade levels. Put her where her intelligence is."

3 hours later, she had finished the test and I demanded to see the results as soon as it was graded. I didn't want them to cheat her.

She placed in 9th grade classes, "How the heck are you so smart?" I asked her "You're ten and passing into 9th grade classes."

She smiled, and I gave her a one arm hug. "So." I turned to the principal "Get on the phone and get them to transfer her to another grade."

"I'm sorry but we are going to need parental permission to advance her." He said.

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