Chapter 14

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Jughead POV

I sighed and walked a couple steps to him, and pulled him into a hug. I felt a sob wrack through his body and I instinctively pulled him closer to me. I was looking towards the dining room, so I closed my eyes and kept him tight against me as I felt my t-shirt getting wet. I whispered “It's okay. Your mom loves you, and it's going to be fine. I love you.” I was just hoping it was quiet enough to not let my dad hear it. He clawed at the back of my shirt as if reassuring himself that I was still here. “I'm never going to leave you. I promise.” I tried whispering again.

It was a couple more minutes he calmed down. I could tell this had been coming on for a while. He wiped his eyes and started blushing as if he was embarrassed. I looked over and Betty had joined them in the doorway, Ms. Cooper was looking at us with tears in her eyes. I will never understand women. She just said “You two are beautiful together.” as she wiped a tear from her eye.

I blushed hard and looked at the ground for a minute before I saw dad ushering her upstairs, saying something about hormones and pregnancy which I assumed was under his breath because she was still tearing up about us. Betty looked confused but didn't say anything about it, instead she said “Well, I think the fighting next door has stopped, so I would recommend checking to make sure no one died.”

I chuckled and looked at Archie. He said “Well, if we can, I'd like to sleep in my own bed.”

“Okay, let's go.” I said and grabbed my jacket off of a box, and we headed out the door. When we got there Fred was sitting on the porch with a large bottle of whiskey. He wasn't paying attention to us so we snuck into the house and saw Mary in the kitchen sweeping up glass dishes and cups and a little bit of glass from broken picture frames on the counter.

She looked up at us, “Oh, hey boys. I'm sorry, I was going to come get you when I was done cleaning up your father's temper tantrum, but since you're here, Archie you are welcome back home.”

I looked over to him, he looked so confused “How did you manage that?” he asked.

“Honey, being a lawyer isn't just a degree. I told him, I'd get the house transferred to my name and that he would be on the streets for good if he didnt shape up and grow up. He isn't allowed back in here until he accepts you and your boyfriend. Also, if he calls the police to say that we kicked him out, Thom said he would divert it for a couple days just to keep you in a house. He understands your situation, and he's always for children. It helps having friends in places.” she explained

Archie smiles sadly. I grab his hand and say “How about you grab your bag and I'll let Jellybean have the room to herself tonight?”

He smiles lovingly at me, “I think I just might. I wonder if there's anyone to keep me company?” he asked the second part sarcastically.

I chuckle and smack his chest with the back of my hand. “I'll be right back.” he says and kisses my cheek, then walking out the front door.

I turn to Mary, but she is busy trying to clean up the house, sweeping, and wiping down counters. I wanted to ask her something, but I didn't know how.

Archie came back, and he guided me up the stairs to his room. When we got there he shit the door and started saying “Well,” but I cut him off pulling him into a kiss. He was surprised but then started kissing me back,  pushing my jacket off my shoulders as we made our way to his bed. Throwing his shirt, my shirt and my jacket into random locations around the room, he pressed me down into his mattress, resuming what had been interrupted. I felt his tongue start to caress mine as he started moving his dull fingernails up and down my chest. I groaned in pleasure as he stopped to ask, “Can I kiss your neck?”

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