Chapter 25

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Jughead POV

I knew if I showed pain he would know that he would see a weakness so instead I stood still as my shoulder was bleeding. The only thought in my head actually was that I was thankful it was in the same arm as my broken hand. That way I didn't have a problem using both hands, it was just still the same one.

At this point I was distracting myself from the pain, while still having a face of indifference. I mean, I already had a problem using sign language with my broken hand, which honestly was 100% my fault. But this is ridiculous. My pain was ridiculous, and I was struggling, but I knew how to block off the pain, I guess I could thank my mom for that.

"You might regret that." I said in a monotone voice, or at least I tried.

He sneered, "You think you're all tough baby Jones?" he mocked me.

"I think you're a moron." I smirked at his blatant shock, and stepped forward "This pain is nothing. I've been through worse. You want to live tonight, leave my territory before I let my Serpents do whatever they want to you."

He sneered at my ability to hold in pain and act like I don't notice it. Which honestly, I couldn't, mostly because I've learned to block it off. "What could they do to me? In case you're curious, you're nothing compared to me."

"They could torture you in ways you couldn't even imagine, and even when you crave death, and beg for it for more than a month, we will deny it." I said, leaking as much venom as I could get in my voice. I'll have to ask Toni how I sound right now, to know what I can improve "Now. Get. Off. My. Land."

He looked like he was about to throw a toddler temper tantrum, but held off. He simply growled and got into his truck.

After they drove off, and I couldn't see them any longer, I reached up with my other hand and held it. I turned around to see Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni, and T-bone looking at me in shock. "We need to get to the school just in case dad heard the gun shot. I don't want him heading down here thinking that I just started a war."

Toni walked up to me and pushed me towards her bike instead of mine, Look we need to get you to the hospital.

Just bring me to the school. I signed. It was really hard to sign with one good hand and a shoulder that's literally shot.

No. You need to get the bullet wound taken care of. She tried to explain.

I sighed "Look all of you, my dad needs to know I didn't just start a war. I have to go see him. Either you take me to see him or I drive myself."

"How can you be so calm?!" T-bone said, clearly freaking out.

"If you block off your pain sensors and don't feel the pain, you don't have an issue." I explained, then turned back to Toni "Let's go."

She finally nodded and because even though she disagreed with me, she knew that my dad would be worried about me if he heard the gun shot. I'm his problem child with literally 0% luck. He knows it was probably me that got shot. I nodded and Fangs said "Hey, since I rode with Sweet Pea, I'll take your bike back."

"Thanks." I smiled and he got on my bike "Don't get a scratch on it, it has to last until Jellybean's done with highschool."

I got on Toni's bike and it was a bumpy ride, especially with her being nervous as hell, but we finally made it to the school.

When we got there, there were several kids outside protesting because there were Southsiders at 'their school'. I just rolled my eyes. I got off the bike and walked over towards my dad, when he saw me, he turned into an overprotective dad. I rolled my eyes. "Dad."

"Are you okay, what happened I heard the gun shot, but we couldn't get out of the parking lot." He started rambling, "Was there only one shot that I heard, or were there two? Or more? Are you okay? We need to get you to a hospital."

"Dad!" I got his attention, sitting my good hand on his shoulder "I need to go to the hospital. I was shot in the shoulder. Is everyone at the Wyrm safe?" I asked in a calm voice.

"What?" He asked, "How are you so calm, you know what, you need to calm down, keeping calm is a good thing, wait, oh yeah, Alice and everyone else are fine. We have 12 serpents watching everyone. Plus they're in the basement which most people don't know we have. But stay calm." He started rambling.

"Dad, Okay, stay calm. I am calm. Do you have anything I can get blood on?" Then I looked at my hand on his shoulder "Oops, I forgot I had blood on my hand. Sorry about your jacket."

Dad saw my hand and started pulling off my jacket. Once it was off, he threw it into the back of the truck. "Hey, that's a good jacket." I complained.

"We can worry about the jacket later. We need to get you out of here and to the hospital. Should we call 911 or should I just drive you?" He was still clearly panicking.

"Dad." I said "Do me a favor and breathe in and breathe out slowly for me. I'm fine. I need to get this taken care of but I'm fine. Also, do you know if Archie would be mad at me. He told me not to get hurt, but I didn't really even know this was coming."

"What happened?" He asked.

"Malachai tried threatening us, I told him to fuck off, then he shot me for putting Chic in jail." I explained quickly.

Dad grabbed a shirt out of his truck, I really don't want to know why it's in there but, I wasn't going to ask. He started pressing it against the wound. I felt the pressure of the wound "What are you doing?"

"Trying to stop the bleeding. We need to get you to a hospital. You didn't do anything illegal did you?" He asked.

"No. Just like you taught me. I threatened him to a point he wont take the northside, but not to a point of harassment." I ground out while he was still holding a shirt over the wound.

It was a couple minutes, before my dad pulled his head up from focusing on the pressure on my wound. When he pulled his head up he said "We had to deal with a Ghoulies problem. Now we need to get him to the hospital. You think you can get everyone to let us get out so we can do that?"

I was so confused but I turned my head around to peer over my shoulder to see him talking to Veronica. "I'll get Cheryl." She said and walked off.

I was kind of confused, what did she say? It wasn't long after that I started feeling a little light headed but I shook it off, it was fine.

"What is she getting Cheryl for?" I asked.

"The crowd won't let us out, they think we are all hardened criminals. They don't want us on their turf." He sneered.

"Maybe we should just call an ambulance then?" I asked.

"You think you'll feel okay going back into ambulance? I thought you didn't like them?" He looked concerned.

"Dad, yes I have PTSD of ambulance rides, but I'm sure I can handle it." I explained. That's when I started noticing myself getting really loopy.

I started stumbling and grabbed onto his shoulder. "Dad, I don't feel so good." I said

That's the last thing I remember.

Archie POV

Since he's left, I've been extremely nervous. There is two older Serpents that are supposed to be protecting us, but all-in-all we are protecting Alice and the babies. I know with his luck, something is going to happen. "When do you think they're going to be back?" I asked everyone.

"For the millionth time. We don't know." Betty responded,

"Well, I'm sorry, I'm nervous." I said running a hand through my hair.

Jellybean sighed "How about we discuss that in a month we are doing a gender reveal party?"

"You and Jughead are planning that, I have nothing to do with it." I explained.

"You are dating Jughead." She stated "You are going to end up helping whether you like it or not."

"I mean you have a good point, but I'm not girly enough to plan a party." I tried.

"You think Jughead is girly?" Betty laughed.

Jellybean and I exchanged a look.

When the North and the South Become One (Jarchie)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon