Chapter 31

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3rd Person

The next morning, almost everyone was awake before Jughead. F.P. was downstairs making waffles, which is what Alice was craving that morning, and everyone else was up talking. The loud noises is what woke them up from everyone else talking.

"I'm surprised that Jughead hasn't woken up." Kevin commented. "Almost everyone else is awake."

"He doesn't wake up with any sound, but he can wake up with the slightest movement." Jellybean explained. "It's just the way he is."

"That's interesting. So could I scream and he wont wake up?" Veronica asked.

"Yes, but don't." Betty said.

"Jellybean." F.P. said walking into the living room, "Can you wake up your brother? Pop just called the cake is done for tomorrow."

"Sure." She said as she walked over towards Jughead. Everyone expected her to push on his shoulder or something but instead she literally flopped on top of him.

"Oof." He let out, "Jellybean." He groaned.

She then scooched on top of his stomach and sat down hard on it.

He shot up and glared at her. We need to go get the cake for tomorrow. Jellybean explained

We can do that later when it's ready. Jughead said.

Well, Pop called and he's done with it. Dad said to go get it.

Dad can go get laid. Jughead rolled his eyes. Now leave me alone.

"No. You can't go back to sleep Jughead!" She squealed.

He groaned but then very quickly grabbed her hips, flipped her over and started tickling her sides. "Jug!" She squealed.

When he finished he rolled over and laying his back on her stomach. Archie chuckled and then walked over towards them, standing over him. "Hi." Archie said, and grabbed Jughead's good arm hoisting him up. Jughead smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

I'm up. I'm up. Then he paused I need coffee. And proceeded to walk into the kitchen.

"That was the most adorable thing I think I've ever seen." Kevin commented. "Also was that sign language?"

"Yeah." Jellybean answered, as Archie helped her back up "That's our family's main language. We've struggled a little bit when we moved into the Cooper's house, since they don't know sign language."

"You guys forget that we don't know it a lot." Betty grumbled.

"Sorry" Jellybean commented "Sign language was my literal first language. Sometimes we'll just mix the two, like if our hands are full. One person will be using sign language and the other will be speaking English."

"Yeah, I know about 5 phrases in sign language." Archie commented.

Toni laughed "Even I know sign language. I've known you all since forever. He learned sign language as his first language too."

"Wow." Veronica commented, "I've never met a family that has sign language as their first language."

Jughead walked back into the living room with a cup of coffee. F.P. trailed behind him with a Ziplock bag full of pills. He grabbed it and took them without blinking. Which shocked the people that didn't know he took them. Only three people knew what he took, but most everyone else in the room at least know he took them.

Jug. Jellybean signed Can we go get the cake now? We have to grab the powder too. And grab a few things from the store as well.

Calm down. I'm not awake enough for this. Jughead yawned.

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