Chapter 10

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A/N So it's a bit short, but I've been super busy and this chapter is just packed full of stuff. So enjoy 😁

Trigger warning: mentions of suicide

Archie POV

“Hey guys.” I said as I walked into the locker room.

They all started looking at me and acting awkward, this lasted for about a total of 3 minutes before I started yelling. I was frustrated “Guys! I am the same person! I didn’t become a pervert overnight just because I came out of the mother f*cking closet! I have a boyfriend, I don’t want to see your guys’ nasty ass d*cks. For peat f*cking sake!”

I slammed my locker shut as I pulled out my practice jersey and pads. “I don’t think I could have said it better.” Charlie piped up, “Well maybe with less curse words but I think the straight guys are struggling with their sexuality.”

I laughed, “Thanks Charlie.”  

“How do we know you aren't going to look at us though?” Reggie asked, clearly being homophobic

“Reggie, I know you don't understand the concept of being faithful but some of us are. I have a boyfriend and he probably has a bigger d*ck than everybody else in this locker room, so get your mind out of the gutter. I like guys, doesn't mean that you automatically change from being ugly.” I explained as I finished changing into my football gear. “Now that we got the homophobia out of the way, I'm headed out to stretch.”

“Why do you need to stretch longer than us?” Reggie asked all offended.

“Because unlike you, some of us get laid occasionally.” I said as I walked out to the football field. Faintly hearing th "oooohs!" That happened as I left.

The JV was still practicing and I was stretching out my abs and legs really good. “Andrews!” Coach called. I got up and ran over towards him.

“Yeah coach?” I asked as I ran over towards him.

“You better not change the way you play because you came out.” he warned me.

“I don't think I could?” I questioned.

“Didn't think so either. I also heard that you weren't at school today? Why weren't you?” he asked almost judgmentally.

“Well, something important was happening with my boyfriend today, I also helped them move because my dad kicked me out this morning for dating my boyfriend. Sorry, you probably didn't want to know all that.” I laughed.

“Wait where will you be staying. Betty and my boyfriends house.” I said and the look on his face when I said that I laughed and told him “it's complicated. I just want to play football.”

“You better. We have two more practices before the playoffs and I need you at your best.” He warned.

“No worries from here coach.” I said, even though I really hoped I could stay on task while F.P. waited on the phone call to see if Jughead will be permanently deaf or not.

3rd Person POV

As Archie started and finished his football practice and Jughead helped his makeshift family move into the giant house on the northside. Just barely enough for them all to fit in, for their expanding family. The thoughts in the back of all of their heads worrying about the phone call that was happening tonight.

Then as they all sat down in their new living room, the phone call happened.

F.P., in the middle of talking to Alice, stopped and said “I need to take this.”

When the North and the South Become One (Jarchie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora