Chapter 17

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Jughead POV

When I finished my speech, everyone was staring at me.  So I said “Cool. Give the ashes top someone who actually liked her,  and let's head to Pop's.”

Archie wound an arm around my waist, and missed the side of my head. I looked at him,  and he said “Were gonna go, you guys catch up with us later.” towards my dad and we left the circle.

We walked down to road, forgetting the vehicle we came in and just kept walking. I only barely made it past the eyesight of everyone before I lost it. I just pulled him into a hug,  putting my face in his neck and started crying. I didn't want to even acknowledge my mother's death. But at the same time, I wanted to scream and cry and mourn because my mother was dead.  I also wanted to scream at her until I'm blue in the face about how much I'm glad she's dead.

My emotions were so conflicted I didn't even know which emotion to fixate on. I didn't even know how long I'd been standing there crying,  until Archie’s phone went off. I felt the vibrations and I watched Archie grab it out of his pocket.

I sniffed and wiped my eyes watching what he was saying.

“Hi. Yeah we are still on our way to Pop's.”

“Yeah, we just took the long way around.”

“Well be there when we get there. Maybe he doesn't want to talk to Gertrude.”

“Yeah, well he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to.”

“We’ll get there when we get there. Bye.” he said and hit the end call button.

He looked down at my head on his shoulder, and said “Hey beautiful.”

“Hi.” I said, probably sounding terrible, because my throat was kind of f*cked up.

“Everyone is at Pops already.” he said, rubbing his other hand on my back. “How are you feeling?”

“I hate my mother.” I replied.

He chuckled “I know.” he leaned in and kissed my cheek, “Do you want to go to Pops or just go home? We can just cuddle and watch a movie.”

“That sounds fantastic.” I exhaled.

He leaned in and kissed me, “Okay. Let's go. I'll let your dad know.”

We headed back and once we got to the Coopers house I unlocked it and just plopped on the couch. He chuckled at me,  and turned on a Disney movie. I cuddled into him and fell asleep.

Archie POV

I texted F.P. to left him know we decided to not get Pops. He was practically asleep before we got to the couch.

It was a little bit later when they all walked in. F.P. and Alice were first and he saw the red circles under Jugheads eyes and sighed “How long has he been asleep?”

“About 30 minutes to an hour ago.” I explained.

Gertrude came in with the Serpents and said “You know I really wanted to get to know him a little bit before I leave.”

“Yeah, we currently, hes hardly talking to me, so you can get over yourself.” I said.

F.P. sighed “The story in his speech, f.p you know anything about that?”

I smiled,  knowing he was concerned about it “Yes, but he really doesn't wasn't everyone to know. He had more than physical abuse, I hope you know.”

He ran a hand through his hair,  “Why-”

Jellybean cut him off “Because mom hated him. Okay? She thought he was defective, and she didn't want him. But she kept him because you were drunk off your ass.”


“No, you didn't live there. Don't make him relive what he's been through, especially because hhes now starting to move on from it. You didn't live there, you don't get a say about whether it was bad or not.” she started raising her voice.

He sighed and looked between Jellybean and Jughead, who was still asleep on the couch. “I'm sorry.” was all he said before he left and walked into the backyard.

Alice sighed and followed him, Fangs was the next person to talk, “How can he sleep through all the yelling?”

Jellybean snorted “Always has been able to, but if you touch him, or if Archie moves he'll be awake in an instant.”

“Wow. Is that how you get him up for school?” he asked.

“I jump on him.” she said with a serious face. “Also, why are y'all watching Disney movies?”

“Because I just put on something and he passed out.” I replied, and Jughead stirred. I rubbed my hand up and down his back and he fell back asleep.

“How do you get him to sleep so easily?” Jellybean asked.

“Ummm…” I started “I never knew it was a problem.”

“He’s Jugheads boyfriend, that's how.” Toni responded.

Gertrude was the next to ask “So you guys are the Serpents? I always heard you guys were dangerous.”

Sweet Pea let out a short laugh “We're only dangerous if you mess with one of us.”

“Wow.” she said “So, Gladys mentioned a lot how F.P. was high up in the Serpents, how high up is he?”

“F.P.?” Toni asked, “He was the Serpent King before he retired.”

“Oh, wow. I didn't know that. And you guys are both in the serpents?” she asked hinting towards Jellybean and Jughead.

“I'm not because the current king doesn't like the initiation.” Jellybean scoffed.

“J.B. there's a reason for that and you know it.” T-bone said.

“Yeah, doesn't mean I don't like it.” she said.

“Whatever.” Betty replied, “We should probably let him sleep and talk to him later.”

“Good Idea.” I replied, “He probably doesn't want to deal with anyone right now.”

A couple of them chuckled, but they all left, going into the garden to talk before his aunt had to leave for the plane. Jughead was so emotionally exhausted that he slept for another hour and a half.

When I woke up he was extremely adorable. He looked at me and smiled,as I pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Hey beautiful.”

He lets out a tiny whimper and leans up to kiss me. “Are you sure you want to stay with me?” he asks quietly. His eyes are red and puffy, and he looks worried.

I sighed “Jughead, if I was willing to get kicked out of my own home for you, I am not going anywhere.  I love you.”

He smiled sadly “I love you too.”

We laid there looking into each others eyes for a minute before I spoke up, “Do you want to practice dancing for Friday?”

He sighed and shook his head.

“Please Juggie. I think we need it, and it can't hurt to get away from family for a little bit.” I pleaded.

“Fine, but only because you're cute.” he said and I kissed him hard.

Then I helped him, and we headed upstairs to his and Jellybean's room. It took a while to get started, his impulse to take control made it hard but eventually, he let me take control and just hold him as we swayed together with no music. Just like that, his arms around my shoulders, mine around his waist and his head in my neck. I honestly could have stayed together like that forever. Just him and me. Me and him. Forever.

When the North and the South Become One (Jarchie)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя