"Why not?" Clayton frowned

My eyes strayed over to John's figure. Clayton took the hint.

"Oh relax. I won't let him hurt you" He smiled a boy-ish smile. I bit my lip before, taking the jacket and slipping my arms into the sleeves. The jacket

was cold, but it felt nice to have something covering my skin for once.

I went to zip it up, noticing that it was already closed. My eyebrows pulled together in a frown. I pulled my legs into the jacket for more warmth,

wrapping my arms around them. Quickly, I felt myself warming up. I snuggled into the jacket more, yearning for the heat.

Clayton watched me intently, his head tilted to one side. I bit my lip

"What?" I whispered

He shook his head. "Huh? Nothing, nothing"

I shifted position to a more comfy one.

"Can I ask you something?" Clayton whispered, crawling over to sit next to me. I felt his arm brush against mine slightly as he moved.

I nodded, wondering what question he would have this time.

"How were boys and girls before the Great War?" He asked.

I looked at him "They were friends"

"I know that, but I know there was other stuff." He whispered, looking away from me "Like, what are boyfriends and girlfriends? What's a kiss? What

were 'dates' for? What is love? They don't explain stuff like this in school"

"Which do I answer?"

"All of them"

"Well," I bit my lip, trying to think of an answer to the first question "A boyfriend and a girlfriend are what you call someone when you're in a

relationship with them"

"What's a relationship?"

"Its like... When a boy thinks a girl is very pretty-"

"How can they think that? Girls are evil, satanic, and out to detroy our sex. They're ugly disgusting leeches that-" Clayton looked at me, stopping in

his tracks. Heat lit up his face as he cleared his throat "Oh well, no offense towards you, Ellie"

I nodded "None taken"

"Sorry for interrupting"

"Its fine"

"please continue" He pushed, looking up at me innocently.

I sighed, "Well, a boy found a girl pretty because where I come from, a boy would just get... a feeling. And he would only feel it around the girl. And

then he'd ask her out on a date"

"What's a date?"

I paused, thinking about how to answer "Its when a boy takes a girl somewhere special. He goes to show her that he's a good guy and she should

give him a chance in a relationship"

"What's a relationship?"

I gave a small laugh "When a boy and a girl give a try at seeing if they're perfect for each other. If they think they are, then years later, the boy

proposes to the girl to see if she will get married to him"

"What happens then?"

"Then they spend the rest of their lives together. Marriage is a sign of true love. And before you ask-" I said, noticing how he opened his mouth "-

love is when the feeling a boy gets about a girl is so strong he never wants to leave her side. The same goes for the girl"

Clayton frowned "Of course he'd want to leave her side. She's annoying and evil and just a pain in the ass basically"

I rolled my eyes "In my time, that wasn't how boys thought once they found the girl they wanted"

He sat there, thinking for a while. I sat there, watching him do so.

"You never answered my one question" He whispered, looking at me. I jumped slightly, not expecting him to speak so soon.

"Which question?"

"What's a kiss?"

"Clayton," I whispered, his name feeling strange on my lips "I can't explain that one. I told you. Its an action. Not really something easy to explain"

"Then show me"

"I...I don't know if you're-"

"Look," He said, his voice slightly louder "I want to know this stuff. I know its not something bad in your eyes because of how you say it. Please, Ellie,

show me what a kiss is"

I blushed like crazy. I couldn't help myself. The way he said it... I could've laughed my heart out right then and there.

"Alright" I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest. Why did I agree to this?

"What do I do?"

"Close your eyes. And just...let your body take control. Don't think, ok? Just act" I whispered. Clayton's eyelids dropped shut. I leaned in slowly,

regretting every part of this.

Gently, I pressed my lips against his. Slowly, I moved mine, trying to hint to him to move his in sync with mine. After a few seconds, I realized this was

a stupid idea. Clayton wasn't going to move his lips. He probably thought I was insane doing this.

Slowly, he began to thaw out of his frozen state and move his lips with mine. I smiled slightly, unable to help myself. Our lips moved together slowly,

not rushed. I felt his hand caress my cheek. I dared to use tongue in this kiss.

I wasn't sure if I should or not. But I did. And Clayton knew how to respond instantly.

I rested my hands on his chest gently as his hands moved to the back of my neck. I knew I needed to stop this soon, but, for the first time in forever, I

was enjoying myself. I was happy right now. And I hadn't been that way since I met these boys. At least, never in this big of a level.

"What the fuck are you doing to him?!" John shouted at us.

War of the SexesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang