Chapter 61: first day

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Lauren's pov:

I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom I washed my face and stared in the mirror. Today was the start of my new job, I can't say I'm exactly thrilled to go back to work either. It's a new school, a new group of kids, a new year, and a new team. "You can do this lauren.. The past is the past" I said to myself "your right Lo the past is the past and you can do it" I turned around to see my wife standing in the door way "it just scares me" she nodded " I know Lo... Just try not to think much about it.." She walked over to me and kissed my cheek "I have to go get Isabelle today and I think I'm going to go to that new book store down town maybe I can get a part time job to you know help" I smiled "sounds like a plan baby I gotta run!" I kissed her lips walked into the room and grabbed my keys off the bed side table "baby don't forget your smoothie I made for you for breakfast!" I waved her off and grabbed my smoothie and out the door I went.

* @ Sierra Vista High *

I left the office lost as hell I bumped into this girl who had head phones in who was singing along to stay with me by same smith, she immediately looked up "Oh I-I'm I'm um sorry" "No problem can you help me out?" She nodded "I'm the new athletic director but I don't know how to get to the gym from here" she laughed and started walking "so coach...?" "Jauregui, lauren jauregui" "Oh! I'm noelle and if you walk through the double doors right there you will see the gym." She pointed to a set of doors "oh thanks nice meeting you!" She walked off so I walked towards the gym, all heads turned towards me when I walked in "Damn the new coach is fine as hell." I heard some girl barley whisper "Okay so I'm your new coach. You can call me coach jauregui or coach J I don't really care. One thing I will not tolerate bullying and I will not tolerate laziness." The girls all stared at me like I was stupid "Okay here's a new approach to this Who in here is an athlete?" 7 girls raised their hands "Names? Numbers? And sports?" A shorter girl stood up "Hi I'm lexie and I play basketball and my number is 15" I nodded the girl sitting next to lexie girl "my name is Emma I play softball and my number is 18" I noticed the two holding hands, "aw young love is cute... Dammit lauren focus" I said to myself. "So my name is Audrey I play volley ball and my number is 7" "I'm Daisy I play volleyball and my number is 5" "Hi I'm bailey I play soccer and my number is 3" " my name is Sara I also play soccer and my number is 7" "hai! I'm Xitlalli I play soccer and my number is 14! "And I'm last my name is Jade I play softball and my number is 12" I nodded and starred at the 8 girls they all seemed like strong leaders.. I can tell. "ATHLETES STAY SEATED THE REST OF YOU RUN." The other girls got up to run I looked at the girls in the stands "The 8 of you will be the captains and co captains of your sports I don't care who is who. Do any of you have questions for me?" "yeah I have a question. Are you married?" Xitlalli smirked " yes I am. I have a wife." The girl shrugged it off and I rolled my eyes "I have one!" Lexie smiled "ask away." "How long have you and your wife been together?" I watched as Emma reach over and wrap her arm around the smaller girl "We've been together for a long time I forget the years I'm bad don't tell her I said that" lexie slapped who I am assuming is her girlfriends leg "If you ever forget how long we are together I swear I wil-" "that's enough girls." Lexie rolled her eyes and looked away all I could do was chuckle she reminds me of camila so much "Why are you a coach?" Audrey asked "Lon-"


"we will talk more later girls see you guys tomorrow. For the next six hours all I could do was think of these new girls and how I could make my teams unbeatable.


a/n: So we have 8 new girls and Lauren's got a new job! You can follow the girls accounts down below they were so kind into letting me use them and their o/c for this! A huge thanks to everyone who keeps reading<3

( the girls are below! )

Jade- @thosepiercinggreeneyes

Audrey- @1432sharmony

Daisy- @these_five_girls

Sara- @_bows_or_beanies_5

Bailey- @kennedymillang

Noelle- dinahjne97

Lexie- @basedjauregui

Emma- o/c

Xitlalli -@thecheecheeandchanchoshow

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