Chapter 44: rain!!! WHY

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Laurens pov:

We stopped at a pizza Place about 3 blocks away from the house. Yeah I lived with Camila, Cece, and Dinah. Anyway none of us checked the weather today so we are stuck in this pizza place for the next 4 hours in this little pizza joint I wrapped my arms around Camila's waist "Baby I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back" she kissed my cheek I stood up and walked to the bathroom I walked in and I bumped into someone "Oh I'm sor-" "No problem! I'm jennel! You were going to pride I see?" I nodded "Who's your other shes mine?" I laughed "My girlfriend is at our table" she smiled "Mines in the bathroom" I started to say something when "Oh Hey lauren" Demi? Oh hell no I'm leaving. "don't talk to me Demi." I pushed past her and walked out when I sat down next to Mila she smiled at me "Feel better?" I shook my head no she raised we eyebrow "Lo-" "Hey Camila, CeCe, Normani, Dinah, Ally." Demi smiled at them Normani died laughing I looked up "Why are you laughing Normani?" Demi looked at her "Why are you here is it not obvious enough that none of us like you?" I started laughing "Baby stop that's mean" ally glared at Normani "so Cece long time no see" Cece stood up "Look Get the hell away Demi you've done enough to all 6 of us so leave." Demi laughed "Okay bye." Demi turned away then turned back around and slapped the shit out of Cece I heard Dinah Gasp I Stood up "Demi leave!" I shoved her backwards she slapped me across the face too I punched her in the face after that all hell broke loose "LAUREN STOP!" I was on top of Demi punching her I felt people try to pull me off of her I heard sirens I didnt care she just slapped my best friend in the face I felt a crack in my nose Demi had already busted my lip now my nose the cops had gotten me off of her they started questioning us Camila talked to one officer trying to get me out of trouble... Pride wasn't supposed to be like this

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