Eleven: Two Lonely Harts

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I follow the sound of soft music to the centre of the room where I spot the navy dressed beauty watching the night go by around her

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I follow the sound of soft music to the centre of the room where I spot the navy dressed beauty watching the night go by around her.

"Summer?" I call out as I approach her, hoping to avoid startling her.

She spins around with a dazzling smile on her face, "there you are. I didn't think you'd find me."

I'll always find you, I want to say. But I don't, instead, I say, "here I am."

Summer offers me a sympathy laugh at my pathetic attempt of making a joke.

"Come on, I want you to meet my family," she chirps, offering me her hand.

I'd be lying if I said a little bit of anxiety didn't raise in my stomach when she mentioned her family.

There's a chance that they may recognise me, that this meeting may ruin everything I've worked hard to cover up and forget.
But there's also a chance they won't. I remind myself.
I have to think positive because the outcome of this situation is completely out of my control.

"Then we dance," I bargain, taking her hand. There's no way I'm leaving here without dancing with Summer.

"Then we dance," she echos.

"Then we dance," she echos

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"Mum. Dad. Winter," Summer clears her throat.

The three backs, wearing various shades of navy turn and face us, Summers father looks bored as usual, Summers mother is beaming and Winter looks unimpressed.

"This is Alexander. He's uh, a friend of mine," Summer shifts her weight uncomfortably.

"Lovely to meet you all," I wave, doing my best to act like this is the first time we've met.

"This is my father, Grayson." He acknowledges me with a nod.

"My mother, Delilah."

"It's great to meet you. Thank you so much for coming tonight," Delilah gushes, pulling me into a hug. I'd forgotten how much of a lovely woman she is. Like Summer, she deserves all of the happiness in the world.

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