Volume 2 - Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

"Fantastic," I muttered sarcastically, although Andrew and Rune seemed to be glancing at me with impressed looks.

I had a lot of strange experiences since I had met these two. After Daltom had taken me back in time, I had run into Rune, Alex, and Andrew. Andrew thought I died when I had used some kind of weird magic to fight a werewolf, leading to some trauma in his youth. I had run into Christopher/Mr. Xavier and he had developed a crush on me, only to confuse me with my real great-grandmother, which ultimately lead to him being murdered by my great-great-grandfather. I had run into Victor, gotten some vampire venom (which was the only reason I didn't die), and seeded his half-century long unrequited crush. I also had run into Daniel's mother and may have accidently seeded his werewolf imprinting on me.

Crap... did I do anything good in the past?

I had told them some of what had happened in the past. I had decided not to mention my near death, Daniel's mom, Victor, or Mr. Xavier's ghost Christopher to them. I imagined Andrew figured out some of those things, but Rune and Alex seemed to forget ever meeting me. Either way, I didn't want to associate what happened in the past with what happened now. It hurt my head just thinking about it.

"So, you know what we are?" Andrew asked, walking around the small chamber.

"It is my job to observe, and I have analyzed your group activities for some time. Regrettably, my previous attempts to gain access to your confidence proved unsuccessful."

Andrew went to ask another question, but I interrupted first. "What threat to Earth?"

"There is currently a full-scale invasion being planned. In the next forty-eight hours, your planet will be invaded, conquered, and enslaved."

"What?" Rune shouted.

"I don't believe it ..." Andrew shook his head.

I watched Allan cautiously, trying to figure out the hot yet strange alien boy who stared unemotionally at the three of us.

"Do you not care?" I finally asked.

Allan's eyebrow raised. "I've only been stationed on this planet for the last year. I will simply be stationed somewhere else. You have my sympathies, but that is all I can offer. It is my species' policy to not get involved. I probably should not have even informed you of it. Now that the relevant people know of this, I will send you back to your planet."

"What?" Rune shouted even louder than the last time, approaching Allan as if he was about to punch him.

Allan held a finger over his wristband threateningly. It kept Rune at bay.

"Why would they do this? You can't just tell us that and then leave. We need to do something to save Earth. Have some compassion," Andrew urged Allan. "At least take us to the aliens. Maybe we can talk them out of it."

"I highly doubt that. These aliens, the Riptari, gain too much from this invasion. They hope to join the intergalactic alliance by conquering Earth."

"Why Earth?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"It is a resource-rich planet that is labeled as 'mostly harmless'. They planned this for some time."

"And you didn't tell us sooner?"

"Because I didn't know sooner. I only found out about it last night, which is when I tried to inform Ms. Averygail. I would not have waited this long to leave the planet myself had I known this would happen."

I blushed at his comments, even though Allan himself showed no displeasure while mentioning the trouble I had given him.

"Please," Andrew put his hand on Allan's shoulder; "please help us. Earth may not be my planet, but I care about it and for many of the people on it."

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