Chapter 9

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Holly blue agate stared at 'pink diamond' for a second and then was her eyes widen 'she was alive this whole time but she looks different from what I remember.'
Steven then said "hey um... holly blue um could you lead us to where the-."
Before Steven could say anything holly blue stopped him and bowed down "hello my wonderful luscious diamond" but when she looked down to see the pearl that she saw that was a crystal gem, why would she be pink diamond pearl?
Holly blue then decided to tell her diamond about this pearl now or never, "My diamond this...pearl with you. Do you know what she did?"
'Pink diamond' looked at pearl and then turns to holly blue again and said "no why? Is there something wrong is she cracked?"
Holly blue laughed a little bit and then pointed at pearl which made pearl shocked "This pearl is a crystal gem a criminal in home world"
'Pink diamond' looked back at pearl giving a question look. Holly blue was thinking that she finally got what the pearl needed but stop to see 'pink diamond' responded "yeah I know I was with her don't you remember" holly was shocked 'what did she mean that 'pink diamond' was with her? Impossible!'
'Pink diamond' then smiled and said "I think this will remind you of who I was...." she then proceed to clap her hands two times.

" she then proceed to clap her hands two times

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Pink diamond was ....

Pink diamond was

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A human?!

Authors note:
Guys I'm really sorry but it's just school and projects so bye and I'll try to update as I can

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