Chapter 5

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White diamond stopped shushing when Steven was quiet she then began talking "you always makes things worse so that you always do that's why I made your pet better.." Steven then tried to do something he has never done "I am not pink diamond I am not my mom!"
White diamond then stares at Steven for a second then laugh out loud that yellow and blue became more terrified of her, they were petrified with fear the were just silent while Steven was quiet.
"Your mom!hahahahahah....hahahah.... oh you're very funny starlight! But don't you know things about her that you couldn't possibly know?" Steven then rememberers the memories that pink had like where he had in the jungle moon to were he had it in the place were he got in grounded by the diamonds.
Steven then stared at white terrified of what might have been true. What if he was his mother? Because of those memories he has being her.
White then began to speak "Isn't it obvious, you invented yourself in that human child your light can't help but shine through... you know your in there you know it all along stop couriering inside your gem,you can hide yourself but you can't hid from me pink.."
Steven's head was staring to hurting that he cried and was grabbed it where it hurts but out of sudden white then grabbed Steven.
Blue and yellow couldn't do anything but then blue cried "White! please don't hurt pink!" White then responded "Blue, pink is just playing around and if you do anything to stop the game I will bubble you again.." blue then stopped and then Came back with yellow who did not do anything but to accept what white will do.
White then pulls Steven's gem out but Steven poofed..

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