chapter five

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Chapter Song: In My Blood by Shawn Mendes

Evan's POV

There was really no point in walking back to school only to go for the last 3 periods, so Evan decided to go home and sulk alone.

He didn't understand what he did to make Connor mad. He was being almost nice, but then some switch flipped and...

Evan frowned and sighed, unlocking the door and flopping onto the couch. After a while, he drifted off.



He shot up from the couch and winced at the crick in his neck.

"Yeah?" he asked incredulously.

"I got a call from the school saying you didn't show up. What happened? Is everything okay? I've been calling you!" she yelled.

"Yeah I went out for a while and then I came home and went to sleep. Big deal," he said, shrugging her off.

"You can't ditch school, what made you think you could do that?"

"I don't know mom, I wasn't in the mood to go to school," he sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Were you with someone?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, Evan, it does matter. Who was it?"

"It was a friend," Evan said blankly.

"You don't have any friends," Heidi snapped.

The room went silent long enough for Heidi to realize her mistake.

"I'm gonna go," Evan murmured, turning towards the door.

"No. Wait. Shit, honey I'm so sorry," Heidi reached for Evan's good arm, but she tore it away from her grasp.

"No," Evan snapped. He ran out the door, slamming it behind him.
And he ran, and ran, and ran, straight to the park. He couldn't breathe by the time he reached the tree.

He put his hands on his knees, attempting to catch his breath, but soon enough the tears came.
Evan did the only thing he could think of, he pulled out his old phone and dialed Connor's number.

"What's up frea- Ev." Connor quickly corrected himself. Evan could almost see the lazy stare on his face.

"P-park. Now," Evan managed, barely.

"Uh, sure, everything okay?" Connor asked. Evan could hear him shuffling around his room, then thundering footsteps down stairs and a slam of the door. "Ev?"

Evan took a deep breath and hung up before choking on the air he was desperately trying to get into his lungs.

He lost track of time, but Connor got there after what felt like hours.
Evan couldn't see, his lungs were burning and his vision was blurring. He was gonna pass out if he didn't start breathing, now.

"Hey Ev- woah!" Connor ran at him and put his arms on Evan's shoulders, hoisting him up off the ground and putting him into an upright position.

"What the hell happened?" Connor said, his eyes flaring with fear.

Evan could only manage shaking his head, trying to stop shaking.

People around started to stare at the boys, some concerned looks, some disturbed, disdainful. Connor started to panic and put Evan's head in his hands.

"I don't know what to do, Evan you have to tell me what to do." Evan could hear the panic in his voice.

"I- I don't know. Just, just.. I don't want to stay here and I can't go home and-"

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