chapter one

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TW// this entire book goes into detail about suicidal thoughts, self harming, anxiety, depression, etc. Please read with this and your health in mind.

Chapter song: Anziety by Logic

Evan Hansen's POV

"Jared." Evan ran up to his friend Jared Kleinman, attempting to get his attention. Either Jared was blasting music through his earbuds, or he was ignoring Evan, likely the ladder.

"Jared!" Evan noticed Jared's head tilt up and turn his way.

"What the fuc- oh, it's just you. What do you want?" Jared asked, his voice slightly less harsh than it was before he noticed that the one calling his name was Evan.

"Nothing, I just wanted to uh... I was just wondering if... Uh-"

"My Summer was good." Jared said, cutting off Evan's stampering. "My camp dominated at capture the flag and I got to second base below the bra-" Jared eyed Evan's wide eyes and chuckled before throwing an earbud in his right ear, walking with Evan on his left.

"My Summer was pretty good." Evan said, depsite Jared not asking. "That is, until..."

"Until what?" Jared asked impatiently. "You can't just stop. You need to work on that, finishing your sentences."

"Noted." Evan said quietly before holding up his left arm. Jared's eyes widened and he jerked back in surprise.

"Holy shit. How the hell did that happen? Did you jerk off too hard?" Jared said, choking back a laugh.

"What? No! Jared, I wouldn't, that's ridiculous." Evan muttered, blushing seriously.

Jared let out a loud, obnoxious laugh before continuing. "So which picture of Zoe did you use?" Noticing Evan's not-so-terrifying glare, Jared rolled his eyes. "Okay, well you've caught my interest. How did you really break it?"

Evan felt the urge to run away, but he wiped his palms on his jeans and began telling the half-true story of how he broke his arm.

"Well.. I mean... I told you how I was working as a Park Ranger during the Summer..."

"I totally wasn't listening when you were talking about that, but continue." Jared interjected.

"Well... I was climbing this 40 foot tall tree... And I... I fell. I guess I'm pretty lucky- I mean I could've, gotten really hurt, or even died. But I didn't... I just, broke my arm." Evan was fiddling with the rubber band on his wrist, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Really?" Jared snorted. "I thought you were a tree expert or something, and you fall out of one? How ironic is that!" Evan awkwardly chuckled along with Jared before Jared's face suddenly became cold.

"What?" I asked, concerned about the sudden mood change. I probably messed things up, again.

"Nothing, just that Connor Murphy kid. That one that threw a printer in the second? Third grade? Something like that... It's kinda funny how he hasn't changed a bit." Jared snickered and walked up to him.

"Loving the long hair, very school-shooter chic." Jared laughed, Evan staring in horror from a few feet away.

Connor snapped his head to Jared and he quickly took a step back.

"Fuck." He muttered under his breath before managing a weak smile. "It was just a joke."

"No, it was funny. I'm laughing." Connor said, defintely not laughing. "Am I not laughing hard enough for you?"

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