chapter three

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Chapter Song: The A Team by Ed Sheeran (I'm sorry this is the second Ed song in a row but for some reason his songs work well)

Evan Hansen's POV

Evan was already constantly on edge about everything, and now he had another person to worry about.

Not only that, but it was a person that definitely didn't want to be saved.

But he couldn't just let Connor die, Evan would never forgive himself for that.

So what on Earth could he do to keep Connor from doing what he wanted? No one's ever been able to stop him, how would he?

Connor had came and up and talked to Evan yesterday, when Evan was on his happy place, taking pictures.

So maybe the only way to keep Connor alive was distracting him.

Evan wasn't very charming, but maybe if he could befriend Connor, just maybe that'll be a good enough reason for him to stay alive.

So when lunch came around on the first Friday of his senior year, Evan knew what he had to do.

He walked straight to the back of the school, where Connor was smoking, sitting against the wall. So Evan sat down right next to him.

"Freak." Connor greeted him.

Evan flinched, but responded as best he could to the harsh statement.

"Hey, Connor." He said, unpacking his lunch.

"You don't have to talk to me, Hansen." Connor said coldly.

"I want t-to." Evan said quietly, walking across a metaphorical never-ending field of shards of glass.

"Yeah, right." He said sarcastically.

Evan took a deep breath, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart.

"Give me a chance." Evan said, staring Connor straight in the eyes.

Connor looked like he was about to give in, for just a moment.

"I'll ruin you." Connor said, going to stand up, but Evan stopped him.

"I haven't got much to lose." He said. "So just... Same spot after school, okay?"

"Fine." Connor said bluntly.

"That's not lunch, I mean, do you have something to eat, I heard pot gives people the munchies and... Want half my sandwich?"

Connor shook his head, and Evan decided against pushing him. He already had his small victory.

Evan stood up, walking over to Jared who was across the school.

When he got there, Jared rose his eyebrows.

"Who did you just talk to?" He said.

"No one." Evan mumbled.

"Oh come on, Hansen. You have that 'I just talked to someone' panicked look on your face." He said cooly, lifting his feet onto the table.

"Connor Murphy, that's who I w-was talking to." Evan said, nervous about Jared's reaction.

Jared instantly sat up. "Connor Murphy? As in 'batshit crazy' Connor Murphy? Why the hell would you be talking to him?"

"I may or m-may or may n-not have stopped him from committing s-suicide." Evan whispered, barely loud enough to hear, his voice cracking.

"Holy fucking shit. You're kidding." Jared said, his jaw dropping. Evan slowly shook his head, and Jared's jaw dropped further. "Oh my fucking god, you have to be kidding!" He said loudly.

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