"Did you hear me?"

The thoughts in my head all scrambled away and my focus was diverted to present time. He stood still watching me before we walked any further. His brown eyes seemed to smile at me.

"I need you to stop doing that"


"Drifting away, stay with me, Y/N"

I knew he meant it with the most innocent of means, but my brain didn't take it that way. He asked me to stay with him. I nodded to let him know that I was listening to him.

"And stop provoking Gally"

Newt held up a hand the second I opened my mouth to protest.

"Chuck told me what happened. I know he can a shank sometimes, but he's got the head of a bull"

"Have you seen them?"

Newt let out an exasperated sigh and shook his head. He waved his hands in my face.

Newt: Are you listening to me?

Y/N: Have you ever seen a bull before?

Newt: *shakes his head*

Y/N: Then how do you know what they look like?

Newt shrugged and looked off into the distance. It was quiet again. The sun was warm just the way I liked it. My newly sun-kissed skin grew tough enough for me to talk to him.

"Sometimes I Iike to pretend that I'm somewhere high in the sky, riding with the wind. In my head, I had a knowledge of what animals were, but I can't remember seeing one. You know?"

Newt stared at the same spot for a little while before speaking up.

"Is that where you go all the time?"


Newt gave me a small smile before he looked away.

"You'll have to take me someday"

Just as a smile came about on my lips, the sound of groaning metal caught our attention. Newt let out another sigh and walked in that direction.

The brunet that sprinted down the glade, his feet moving record speed, falling to the ground, was the end of our lives. It was the end of what I'd hoped would be a long life in the maze. And it was. With that came the destruction of my dreams of a lush life.

A life of thick, green grass.

A field of butterflies.

Roaming gazelles and tamed lions.

The only roars that I could hear were the ones coming from people with black veins on their face, large mouths with rotting teeth, and these eyes that only craved for murder.

The same brunet was the reason why we were running in the mall.


I fell to my knees and caught the large boy before he could fall. His blood smeared on my pants, his flesh was already losing its warmth. Thomas rushed next to him, tears rushing down his face. Everything was muffled including my own voice. The only thing I could hear was the sound of helicopters and boots hitting the ground. My name was thrown into the mix along with everyone else's. Hands ripped me away from the only real friend I had.

WCKD claimed to be our savior and light bringer; the cure of what was a horrific disease called The Flare. Turns out there was something beyond those walls. Many different kids filled the facility and were brought from the maze. They went through challenges just as we did. There we met a kid named Aris.

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now