the others start talking to each other but I silence them out as my ears start ringing. the rabbit? how? I never assaulted a woman, I was with seokjin this whole day. what the fuck? is there some wannabe?
I shake my head as I turn to look at taehyung, who had been starting to get on my nerves. he has been keeping his eyes on me like a damn hawk and let me tell you, it is creepy and just unsettling.

I get up to go to the bathroom. up the stairs, I go... around the corner and I'm pushed against the wall with a hand around my neck firmly.

"what the hell?!" I let out breathlessly, I stare at taehyung with my big, pretty eyes yet he stared at me with burning hatred in his eyes, I knew my flirting wouldn't help but god please be by my side this time.

"never knew you were into that, taehyungie..." I flirted... breathlessly...

he rolls his eyes, "cut the crap jungkook, you may be able to fool the others but you can't fool me." he snarls as he presses harder onto my windpipe. my breathing roughens up as I try to get air.

"co–me on, wh-what crap?" I wheeze as I held onto his wrists. his grip really was no joke. he looked like a fucking twig in the beginning, were my eyes playing tricks on me?
I wheeze even more as I began coughing, he softens his grip so I can at least breathe. thank god. but it would be 10x better if he could have just pulled back his arm.

I groan, "tell me, what crap?" I ask, my voice a bit hoarse. he snorts, "tell me what crap?" he repeats in a mocking tone, he continues, "i know what bullshit you put up there. acting all good for seokjin, taking his virginity too, fuck you. honestly, just fuck you. I swear I will claw your fucking eyeballs out if you ever hurt seokjin. I know what you do too

I know that you're the rabbit or working with him. fucking psychopath, I should honestly report you to the police, get you in jail for life. but then I see jin, he would be heartbroken
so I choose not to until he finds out just what a fraud you are." he bellowed as he spat on my face.

"disgusting..." he mutters as he pulls back. he walks away as I wipe off his saliva off my face. how dare he? how in the fuck can he just do that? I would honestly kill him but that would be hard.

first of all, he's Instagram famous – he posts regularly. second of all, he's seokjin's relative, so killing him would lead jin and his family to be suspicious of his sudden disappearance. although this sort of applies to yoongi, seokjin told me that his parents never even knew of yoongi since they were hard homophobes.

third of all, he has a lot of friends, meaning a lot of going out.
maybe I should just take his phone and act as if he flew to another country but in reality, is sitting in my basement, eyes gouged out, tongue cut off... something like that.

but he really had the audacity to spit on me. I walk towards him, almost sprinting as I pull him back by his shoulder and throw him down onto the floor.

I sit down on his stomach and grip the collar of his sweater, I pull his face up. "spit on me one more time, I dare you." I hiss as I stare into his blue eyes. (they look like fucking toilet water...)
he smirks and spits on me. directly on my fucking lips.

but I guess I'm disgusting for doing this but I lick my lips and smile sweetly at him. he seems taken aback as his smirk loosens and his eyebrows are up. "god you're conceited." I growl as I swing my fist against his cheek. right, left, right, left. you get it.

i was pulled back to sanity as someone pulls me back.


"what the hell is going on?!" seokjin asks as he comes up the stairs. the others soon joining. "fucker attacked me out of nowhere! that's what! jesus christ, he was like a fucking machine gun, punching me every second." taehyung snarls as he touches his badly bruised cheek.
his lip was busted and his nose was broken. but I'm sure he could fix that with money, after all, he was rich. yes?

seokjin stares at me with disappointment written all over his face, my heart sank as I saw him go help out taehyung. namjoon helps me down the stairs, guess my legs got numb.

"what the hell were you thinking, kook?!" he continued, "are you asking for a casket?!"

I shake my head.

"I'm sorry koala, 'm didn't mean to. I don't know what got over my head..." I lie as I look at my bruised knuckles. they were bleeding and skin was open. it was a sight.

he shakes his head, "you really need to fix your anger issues. no, this is more than just anger issues... it's as if you... you just have this neverending hate, just lust for blood... do you know what happened to you?!" namjoon asks as he looks at me, his eyes darting everywhere.

the more I think about it.

what the hell happened?

why can't I remember anything from that time?

I look at him with pure confusion written on my face. "i have no absolutely fucking idea, koala." I answered.

he sighs, "listen, you're gonna go visit that therapist starting tomorrow, okay?" he says, "he said you could come whenever you felt like it and honestly, you need it now." he states.

I feel goosebumps as I think about it. but I know I can't say no to namjoon. "fine... I will." I answer.

he smiles at me, "good. now clean up your hands and go apologize to taehyung AND seokjinnie. it is his cousin and your boyfriend after all. oh and also, hoseok seems cute, you think he would be interested in going out with me?" he asks out of nowhere.

"koala, don't worry, I'm sure he would love to go out with you. just don't bore him to death with your socrates shit, okay?" i say and he snorts. "whatever man."

i look up to see taehyung staring at me with dead eyes before turning back to seokjin.

how does he know?

yayyyyy i finally update!!! it's 1 am and my ring n pinky finger hurts so much rnnnn 💀💀💀

like i wrote so goddamn much y'all better be fuckin thankful.

what do you guys think???


anygay, thank you for reading and i will work on chapter 20 soon as i am actually excited for it... a lot of problems will happen so stay tunEd!!!!

also can we just talk about how damn good jungkook looks with his long, curly hair???? if anybody goes near his hair w scissors we bout to have a fight in the parking lot of 7/11 at 3 am 🏃💨💨

ok bye bye gabe is audi ❤️

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