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❝life isn't about living along but living through.❞

"jungkook, i don't think this is necessary..." jin says as he grips onto my shoulder. "nope, the only way to forget about someone is to live a little, have fun! when was the last time you've gone to a club? or anything like that? excluding parties." i ask as i look at him, "well... uh, not since high school..." he mutters, my eyes widened.

"not since high school?! the fuck? baby, you gotta live now. no more crying over a dead man, plus, he cheated on you." i scoff as i try on some hats. "well yeah but... kook, he was... special, he was quite mean but at the same time, he made me feel as if i was in utopia... you know?" seokjin sighs as he leans his back against the wall. "yeah..." i mutter, "hey, listen, jimin, my friend is coming to-"

"JIMIN?! YOU MEAN PARK JIMIN?! LIKE... THE PARK JIMIN? AS IN, SERENDIPITY?!" seokjin suddenly shouts, attracting attention from other customers and i instantly slam my hand against his mouth. "yes, park jimin that sang serendipity, he is coming back from thailand and i need to go pick him up from the airport. he's joining us to go clubbing as well so we need to go on a shopping spree, luckily, i don't have a budget this time." i smirk as i tell seokjin what's up.

he nods and i pull back my hand, he seemed to have shut up. "now, this hat or this hat?"

"they're both ugly..."


"kookie!" jimin shouts as he hugs me tightly, i hug him back and we stand like this for a few before he moves back. "so, who's this?" jimin asks as he smiles at the squealing man next to me. "this is seokjin, my boyfriend." i state happily as i hold his hand. "wait, since when? after eunbi i thought you swore you'd never date ever again..." jimin mumbles but i step on his foot and he screeches.

"shut up jimin." i smile as seokjin just giggles. "so, let's get going?" i ask and the two nods simultaneously. "wait, jimin, i'm such a big fan! y-you really inspire me a lot and i just.. aghh! i love you so much!" seokjin proclaimed as he bowed. jimin chuckles and i just stand there. where's my 'i love you so much'? jimin hugs seokjin and seokjin's soul had probably left him right here and now.


"stunning as always jimin!" seokjin compliments as jimin fixes his shirt. we're currently in my other apartment, trying on clothes to go clubbing. it's also a VIP club since well, jimin and i are quite famous. me being more famous of course. i try on a pink button-up shirt that i had in my closet for some time with some black, ripped jeans. finishing up with some black timberlands. of course, some jewelry like necklaces, rings... you get it.

jimin wore a white, sweater with some holes in the front with some ripped jeans and black loafers. wearing a red beanie, a rolex and an earring. basically his everyday wear...

i gave jin something to try on, which would probably be ripped off anyway so it wouldn't really matter. he came out of the bathroom wearing a white button-up shirt, black ripped jeans that hugged his legs well, white converse... he looked perfect. maybe not club attire but well, we're just out to have fun. he smiled sheepishly as jimin and i complimented him.

"alright, we ready?" jimin asks, "yup."

we leave my apartment, we leave the complex and we get to my car.

"is it me or are we going to have a blast?"


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