Chapter Eleven

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Amery sits next to his window, staring out at the ground below. Most of the snow has melted away, but it still lies in clumps in some areas. However, that isn't what he is looking at. There is a carcass of some kind leaning against a nearby tree. It is completely ripped apart, so he can't tell what animal it is. The only thing he knows is that the animal, whatever it may have been, was big. Perhaps a deer or an elk?

He tears his eyes away walking away from the window and over to where Chaser is laying on his bed. Violet is lying right next to him, her head resting on his neck. Bending down, Amery gives both of them a few pets. Chaser licks his fingers, and Amery can't help but smile.

A week and a half has passed since the incident. That is what he has taken to calling it in his head because he has no other words for it. He still replays the memory over and over in his head, especially the part where the creature had hit Chaser, breaking two of his dog's ribs.

Amery hadn't fared too well either. His wrist was definitely broken and he had cracked a rib. Half of his face is bruised and scraped up from when he hit the tree. A long gash goes from his right temple down to the middle of his cheek. He is lucky that he didn't break anything in his face, or else he would have been screwed.

But it was hard for him to stay still enough to heal. He has never been one to be inactive, so doing so is getting on his last nerves. The first few days after the incident, Amery had taken to going to the common area for most of the day. Then Sebastian, Kinsley, and Savannah had started hanging out there as well. Amery couldn't stand to watch as Savannah mooned over Sebastian. It made something inside his chest clench.

So, he has spent the last few days in his room. It is just too damn quiet and he is going out of his mind.

Just when he is contemplating re-reading the book laying on the nightstand, a knock comes from his door. It jolts him out of his thoughts, and his heart tries to go back to normal rhythm as he walks over to answer it.

Rex is standing on the other side of the door. His little brother smiles at him, holding out a bowl of food. "Thought you might like some hot soup."

Amery's stomach turns at the thought of eating, but he steps aside to let his brother in. "Thanks."

Rex walks over to the small table sitting in the corner of the room and sets down the bowl. Then, his brother's eyes are on him, flitting across his body as he takes Amery in. He hates the attention on him, but Amery forces himself to stay still.

"Your face looks like it is finally starting to heal." Rex walks closer to him, eyes scrutinizing as he looks at the gash on his face. "But I don't think you are going to be rid of that anytime soon. It will probably scar."

"Oh well, damn. Might as well throw away my chances of being a model."

Rex just rolls his eyes, but the sarcasm makes some of the worry slip off his face. "Well, I've been telling you that for years." His smile widens then. "But Sebastian doesn't seem to mind."

His words cause Amery to still, his eye roll a second too late. Rex is staring at him with knowing eyes. That is the problem with being so close to your siblings, they can read you like an open book.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh please. That alpha has been after you the entire time you have been here. He was probably interested before I even met him. But you are always blind to anything involving romance."

"I am not!"

Rex gives him a familiar 'bitch please' look. "Amery, you run as fast as you can whenever someone shows an interest. You can barely even have sex with people because that involves some level of commitment." He pauses, resting a hand on Amery's arm. "But I see the way you look at Sebastian. Your interest is clear, to me and to Sebastian. I mean, he has been making the moves on you, and then with what happened before the incident..."

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