Chapter Four

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"My car is in front, we should be able to make it there," Sebastian says.

Amery shakes his head. "It's the closest, but we would have to either go through the quarantine area or exit out the South ward and walk all the way around." He sighs, looking them over. "Come with me. I'll give you a ride to your car."

Sebastian just smirks. "It isn't a car. An RV." He shrugs when Amery looks at him in surprise. "You told me to pack everything and to just leave from here. I spent all last night fixing it up, since it has been sitting in the lot behind our house unused for years."

"Less talking, more running," Kinsley says as another scream comes from behind us.

"Yes, come on."

Amery knows this hospital like the back of his hand, so he is quick to lead them. "Hold on, we need to stop at the pharmacy."

"What?" Kinsley says, her mouth turned down in irritation. "We don't have time to stop. Can't you hear those things?"

Amery gives her a hard look. "We're going to need medication out there. What if your friend Savannah gets an infection? It's not unlikely. She could die without the right antibiotics. And what about suppressants or birth control for when one of us goes into heat. There are three omegas here. That would be deadly."

She stares at him, lips pressed tightly together. It is obvious that she wants to argue with him, and Amery doesn't blame her. The screams had died down. They were farther away from the quarantine center, but who knows how long that will last.

"Kinsley, stop being stubborn. The longer you take arguing, the longer we'll be in here."

She shoots her brother a hard look but she gives a small nod of her head. "Fine. Let's just hurry."

"Okay. Come on." Amery jogs over to the locked door leading to the pharmacy and swipes his card over the key panel. The light flashes green and he pushes open the door. "Get in." He was honestly surprised that it had worked. He thought that after he had cut things off with Jeremy that he would have deactivated Amery's access. After all, the pharmacist had only added Amery to the access file in order to make it easier for the omega to sneak back whenever they wanted some privacy.

Kinsley and Sebastian hurry inside, Savannah in between them.

"You can put her over there." Amery points at a tiny couch near the back on the room. "This will go quicker if you help me."

Surprisingly, they listen to him, Kinsley looks at her friend multiple times, but she finally leaves her side and grabs a basket that Amery hands her.

"What do we need?"

Amery's eyes flit around the room, scanning the aisles. "A little of everything." He looks back over at them. "Sebastian, go to the over the counter section. There should be a stockpile of what is out front. Grab ibuprofen, aspirin, iodine, Neosporin, band-aids, gauze, and hydrogen peroxide. Anything else you think might be usual, grab it. And grab all of it. We don't know how much we'll need or how quickly we'll go through it." He nods, running over to the section closest to Savannah.

Amery looks at Kinsley. "I want you to go over to the supply closet. Grab gloves, more gauze, scent neutralizers, formula, and anything else you think could be useful."


Amery barely spares her a glance as he is already walking towards the closest aisle. "You don't know who we might meet out there. It would be a good item to trade."

He is quick to go down the aisles, eyes scanning the labels and grabbing anything useful. In the end, he is carrying two baskets, filled to the brim with antibiotics, iodine, painkillers, and allergy medicine. There are just two last things he needs. He walks down the last aisle, stopping at the end, and his heart drops.

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