Chapter Six

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Amery finds it nearly impossible to sleep. His mind is racing, thinking of his little sister. Knowing her, she probably ran back to their parents, despite her last few experiences with them. The thought had his body filled with anxiety, a headache starting to bloom in the back of his head. This time, he can't save her. Who knows what he would have to trudge through to get to her, and he would. But, it wouldn't be so easy this time around.

Sighing, Amery pushes himself up from the bed. Lyla had shown them all to their rooms after dinner, and Amery had been given the one closest to Rex. Sebastian and his crew had been given one of the biggest houses, the one with two separate rooms. It was closest to the lobby area, and about a five minute walk from his own house.

The sun is just starting to peek up when he pulls on some clothes. Violet and Chaser both watch him as he gets ready, and then jump off the bed to follow him out of the house. It is still freezing cold. The rain had stopped briefly last night, but now it is coming down in heavy, freezing drops.

Amery pulls his coat tighter around him and walks as quickly as he can down to the lobby.

"Go ahead and go potty," he says to his dogs. They watch him, clearly not wanting to leave, but he eventually shoos them away. They will come back when they are done.

The fire is barely crackling when he goes into the lobby. Addilynn had given all of them a key to the lobby so that they could get in. It was the only place with a fire and a kitchen, and Amery needed both at the moment.

Sebastian was already in the kitchen when Amery gets there. The sight of him bundled in a blanket, staring out the window startles Amery from the half-sleep he had been in.

"Couldn't sleep?" Amery asks once he recovers.

Sebastian looks just as startled as Amery feels, whipping over to look at the omega as he pours himself a cup of coffee from the french press that Sebastian must have used earlier.

The alpha watches Amery, scooting over in the window seat so that they can both fit. Amery pulls his legs under him and then turns to look at the alpha.

"Got a few hours, but nothing more than that."

The alpha looks just as exhausted as Amery feels. His eyes are red-rimmed and bloodshot and his skin looks pale.

"You feeling alright?" Amery asks, eyes roving over the other man. The nurse part of him is cataloging every irregular aspect of him. He might not have known Sebastian for long, but Amery can tell that something is up.

Sebastian just looks out the window. Just when Amery thinks he isn't going to answer, the other man starts to talk. His voice is low as if he is afraid of disturbing the quiet and still atmosphere.

"You know, our room has an old radio in it. The thing looks like it came straight from an old-fashioned movie, but it still works." His hands clench around his coffee cup. "There was a broadcast last night, saying that the United States has declared a state of emergency. Whole cities have been destroyed, all the major ones at least."

Amery presses his foot against the alpha's, trying to offer some type of comfort. "We're okay here."

Sebastian looks at the omega than, an unknowing look in his eyes. "Yeah, but for how long. Those creatures overtook the military in the hospital where we met. Now, we're just sitting in trees. They'll get us eventually."

His words have Amery sitting back, and immediately, his mind starts whirling. He knows that while Sebastian's words are morbid, they ring true. The best defense of this place is that it is off the ground, but not all parts of it. The main home that they are sitting in right now has an accessible ramp that runs all the way to the forest ground. Those creatures could just climb it right to them.

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