Chapter Five

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The drive is a difficult one. Rain pours down on them ninety percent of the time, and the wind howls strongly. Their destination is five hours away, but the commute is taking them much longer. Traffic was heavy whenever they reached a big city, but would clear up once they got to the backroads. But there were also crashed cars and military vehicles. They had even gone through two different military checkpoints. Only a few people had been forced out of their cars, moved to a gated off area. They had been stopped and checked, and they had tried to put Savannah into quarantine. Nobody wanted to listen to Amery when he told them it was just a false heat. It was only when one of their own doctors came up and examined her that they let them go. That omega needed to wake up, but she still has half a day to get through. It would be nice to know who the person they are carting around is even like.

Amery's hands clench as he sits in the parked car, watching as his dogs wander around an abandoned pasture. They had been getting antsy, and he knew they had to go to the bathroom pretty badly. Just as he predicted, they had both sprinted out of the car and immediately went to the bathroom.

"Violet, Chaser, here."

Both of them perk up at their names and immediately come running towards them. He was getting anxious just sitting here. Cars had been passing them periodically, but there had been no sign of the creatures. Amery figures that they are just not as quick as the cars, but are on their way out here anyway. He doesn't want to still be here when they do.

"Hey, Nurse." The words cause Amery to give the younger omega a glare. She rolls her eyes, "Amery."

"Yes?" The sit in front of him, eagerly eating the food that he sits down in front of them.

Kinsley is shifting foot to foot. "Is there anything you can give to Savannah? She keeps moaning and- and it seems like she is in pain."

Amery motions for her to follow him, opening the back of the car. "There is a good chance she is in pain. If we can't ride out our heats with a partner or toys, then our body goes into overdrive." He finds what he was looking for. Opening the bottle, he carefully hands Kinsley the two pills. "These will help with the pain, but there isn't much else we can do." He pauses for a minute. "Actually..."

Amery closes the back of the van, Walking over to the back seats, he opens the door and leans inside. "Sebastian, give Savannah your jacket. Your scent might help."

"What, why?" Kinsley says, nudging Amery over so she can slide onto the seats, pulling her friend into her arms. She watches her brother with narrowed eyes.

The jealousy wafting off of that girl is almost palpable. Amery takes on his calmest tone, the one his little brother likes to call his Nurse Voice. "The scent of an alpha might help to calm down some of the heat. The ibuprofen is going to help with the pain, but that's it. The scent of an alpha might actually let her relax enough to get some rest. It would be better for her if she just slept out the rest of her heat."

Sounds are coming from far away, causing Amery to whip around. His eyes try to find the source, but it is too dark.

"Kinsley, just take it. I have no interest in mating with your girlfriend."

Amery turns back around to see Sebastian pushing his jacket towards his sister.

"We gotta go," Amery says. The siblings both turn towards him, and a louder sound comes from behind them. Their eyes widen, and Amery forces himself to look behind the car.

"Shit, the whole town must be on fire."

Amery just nods his head, mouth dropped open in shock. There is brightness coming from the town they had just passed through. It wasn't large, just big enough to have a main street. But now it looks like it is on fire, and it is spreading.

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