That was an unnecessary observation, he knew. However, when he had called Blake's phone to locate it after Finn texted him asking if his brother had left his phone at his house, his face had been taken over by a smile once he spotted the phone and the contact image on the screen. The happiness was only increased by the fact that they had matching contact images.

Blake took a brief look at his phone and lifted an eyebrow at Dean, as if not understanding the surprise. The confusion was comprehensible, but having friends' numbers on his contacts was a new thing for him. A few months ago there was a total of five contacts in his phone: his mother, Mr. Ab, and Mrs. Lin, Miss Pam, and his father's number, that he had never been capable of deleting.

Now the number had doubled, and that's something that still made him smile to himself when opening the contact folder. Truth be told, he had yet to be the one calling or texting any of his new contacts, besides Blake. They had called each other so much, in fact, that Dean had embarrassingly ended up memorizing the other's number.

- If just this makes you that happy, - Blake finally responded, looking back at him with a smile. - watch me using it as my wallpaper.

Hearing the comment was enough to snap Dean back to reality and blink rapidly. He hadn't even noticed the ridiculous smile that had taken over his lips until it was pointed out.

The notion that Blake could see how joyful something so mundane made him, coupled with the slight teasing, was enough for his ears to feel warm. With a shy smile, he had to avert his eyes.

- I guess I'm not used to it...

- Hey, why the nervous face? - Blake questioned him, leaning his body so he could catch Dean's gaze on his. When eye contact had been established, the psychology student smiled openly. - I'm not teasing you, I'm really going to use it as the background.

- There's no need, really. - he insisted with the warm feeling spreading to his cheeks. - I'm just... not used to it. You don't need to.

- So, you don't want me to put it as the background?

Dean lifted his head to watch his smiling friend with a curved brow.

Blake could always see through him to an uncomfortable level, but it seemed that every time Dean hoped it to happen, he would suddenly become completely oblivious. And Dean had the feeling it was purposeful.

- It's not that I don't want it, but...

- Then it's done. - Blake interrupted, immediately occupying himself clicking through the phone. - I was thinking about doing it anyway, I just didn't know if you would mind it.

The Economics student was so surprised, he couldn't find the words to reply, limiting himself to watching the other change his phone wallpaper from a stock photo of some trees to their smiling faces. In no time, Blake happily announced success, turning the screen so Dean could see it clearly.

- Now I'll get to see you in sweats whenever time I unlock my phone.

Dean grimaced at the reference of his outfit that day.

For some reason, Blake found his aversion to wearing comfortable clothing around him hilarious. Even during that week they spent studying together, Dean had kept whatever outfit he had been wearing that day on until Blake left, even on those days where Blake had the opportunity to change before the volunteering work.

- I really don't get it. - Blake commented as soon as they began their way to the Economics department. - I've seen you in sweatpants and even pyjamas before, but you still refuse to be comfortable in your own home.

Dean gave a soft shrug but didn't voice any reply.

The truth was he knew how ridiculous it sounded, but how could he dress in his home attire with a guest over? 

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