"There we go again, discussing the same stupid topic" He instantly jumped upright and began to pull on his garments with the intention of avoiding the subject.

"Ha-stupid topic?" Rin scoffed positioning herself to sit on the bed.

"Damn, I'm tired of having the same discussion over and over again. Why don't you understand? That girl means nothing to me, nothing! If you are that jealous why don't you try and be better so that I won't have to hide our relationship..." His gruff tone was like a sharp knife cutting through her heart but she controlled the emotions that were urging her to flow down from her eyes.

"You should hear yourself Jungkook, do you even realize how lame you sound. No, actually I'm the one who is lame here." She swiped her hair away from her face and began to dress up as well.

"I'm the one who is letting you fuck me like a slut even when you have someone else in your life..."

"My queen," Jungkook quickly held her cheeks and made her look into his eyes interrupting her in the middle of her rant.

"It's not true, You are the only one that matters to me, I don't even let her touch me besides those kisses. I promise I will never lay my hands on her. After we graduate, I will ask your hand on marriage and..." Rin stopped him by placing her finger on his lips.

"You were ashamed to show your love for me in past, you are ashamed to show it in the present and that will continue in the future as well.  "Jungkook felt his throat getting clogged and he knew he had fucked up real bad again.

"If you couldn't show me to your friends in high school or in college just because I am unpopular, you won't be able to introduce me to your colleagues in the future as well." She pushed him slightly creating a distance between them.

"I pity you and your life, Hope you will find someone that you can show off to the world and be together with, without feeling embarrassed." He could tell it was getting more and more difficult to utter words for her as well.

Swallowing the big lump that formed in her throat Rin looked away wrapping her arms around herself.

"I think we should end this now." She sniffled as tears began to lose free from their containment. Jungkook's hands fell to his side as he stood in front of her with his head hung low.

"I am exhausted and tired because of this affair which has brought nothing but shame to you and pain to me so I beg you to leave, please leave"  her voice broke as she pleaded with Jungkook to free them from a relationship that was only a sham in her eyes.

There were so many things Jungkook wanted to say but he decided to stay silent as he knew Rin was too stubborn to understand them.

"I know I have done a lot of things to hurt you but I promise I will make it up to you somehow. I promise I will make it right baby." Jungkook cooed sweetly.

"Whether you agree or not, you are the only one for me and my feelings for you are no joke as well." He pulled her closer laying his head on her shoulder.

"I will give you some space, but that doesn't mean we are over. I might leave you for now but I will never let you leave me, ever" He placed a gentle kiss on the crook of her neck caressing her cheeks with his thumb.

"I'm sorry for being such a jerk, but I really do love you Rin." Raising his head to plant a final kiss on her forehead Jungkook left the room taking the remaining of his clothes and leaving Rin behind.

For a week after the night and both Rin and Jungkook kept a fair share of distance from each other.  The way Rin avoided his entire existence made his heart bleed vigorously but thinking she was in need of some space, he was taming his heart from going after her. 

On the other hand, Rin was happier than she had ever been before believing she had freed herself from the toxic relationship she was bound to for four years and honestly was thriving.

"Do you think we should go to the party we were invited to this weekend?" Jimin asked while they were in the library doing the assignment that was due this week.

"We should," Rin replied enthusiastically. 

If it was in the past, she would have simply passed off the offer but now she didn't want to miss any chance to spend more time with her crush.

"I was really nervous to ask you thinking that you were not into parties," Jimin confessed sheepishly.

"That means you still have a lot to know about me." Rin winked at the guy before her, who winked back making her all cheeks flush in shyness.

The ringing of Jimin's phone sought both of their attention and after giving her an apologetic look, he stood up and went a little far to receive the call. With a curve signifying her pleased mood dancing on her lips, she gawked at the guy busy on his phone talking to someone.

The way he was slightly blushing made her curious about who he was talking to.

"Is it his girlfriend?" her heart sank a little at the thought of it.

Even though they were spending most of their time together, there was still a lot she didn't know about Jimin, and one such topic was his relationship status. She couldn't gather her courage to ask him if he had someone in his life even when she was dying to know but she was afraid to be seen as a prying and noisy person.

Exhaling a deep defeated sigh, she tore her eyes from her crush to glance at her watch and gasped when she realized It was already past eleven pm. The realization made her mentally facepalm as she had again forgotten to keep a track of the time. In addition, Jimin hadn't brought his car so making him walk her home wouldn't be a humble thing to do.

"How could I not realize it was this late?" She massaged her temple mentally cursing for being so careless.

Trying to come up with a solution she rose her head when her eyes landed on the guy she had never thought she would ever see in Library.

"Jungkook?" Her mouth nearly dropped down when their eyes met. 

He gave a tight-lipped smile as he glanced at her with longing eyes that conveyed how hard he was missing her.

"What is he doing here?" she narrowed her eyes when a beep sound made her divert her attention from the raven-haired guy to her cell phone

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"What is he doing here?" she narrowed her eyes when a beep sound made her divert her attention from the raven-haired guy to her cell phone.

Unlocking her cellphone she opened her inbox and her heart went soft in an instant.

Biggest Jerk

Study well without worrying my queen,                                                                                                 

I'll look out for you until you are done.

-Your Guk

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