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Travis' POV
I can't believe I'm here. I'm standing in a hospital room next to my beautiful fiancé, who's in labour and is about to give birth to our twins. What a journey it's been.

'Mr Valkrum?' The nurse asked me.

'Yes! Sorry I was kind of out of it' I said looking over at Zane laying in the bed. We have been here for about 6 hours now and he's progressing well. 4cm already.

'Maybe you should head out to get a coffee while Zane sleeps. We've been getting people come up a lot today asking for him' she said smiling. I look over at Zane as he looks at me.

'Go on I'll be fine. Find out how Garroth is doing for me ok?' Zane said. His face giving me a look of exhaustion.

'I will baby I promise' I kissed his head and walked out of the room. The nurse followed.

'Mr Valkrum?' The nurse said.

'Please call me Travis' I said with a polite smile.

'Sorry..Travis. I just wanted to inform you that..well it's nothing to worry about but we have detected some..abnormalities with the twins' she said. I could tell she was treading lightly with her words.

'Please just be straight with me. I'm sure I know what your talking about anyway' I said, knowing exactly what she was going to say.

'It seems the twins are demons. Did you know of this?' She asked.

'Yes. They get that from me. I was hoping they wouldn't get it. Well me and Zane will deal with it. One day at a time. Thank you nurse' I thanked.

'No please...call me Red' she said smiling, walking away.

I went downstairs into the cafeteria where I saw everyone. I walked over and Aphmau rushes up to hug me.

'How's he doing?' She asked?

'He'd be doing better if he wasn't worrying about Garroth. How is he? Zane asked me to ask?' I said.

'He uhh...lost a lot...umm of blood. Their giving him a transfusion now' Laurence said. His voice shaking. I walked over and sat beside him.

'He'll be fine. I promise' I said smiling. Laurence looked up and smiled back.

We all sat for about 30 minutes just talking. A nurse came out and told Laurence that he could go in to see Garroth, so he did. Suddenly I saw Red rushed over to us.

'Travis you need to come up to the maternity ward quickly please!' She said then ran off in that direction. I didn't say anything I just followed, Zianna close behind.

I made it into Zane's room. He looked in so much pain. I ran to his side and kissed his head. Zianna too his other side.

'Whats happening?' I asked the midwife.

'He's at 10cm. Time to have your babies sweetie' she said smiling at me and Zane.

'I...I can do it!' Zane screamed. I just wanted to help him.

'Zane look at me' he looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes. 'You can do this. I believe in you and after we'll have our babies. They'll be here and it will all be worth it. Together?' I asked holding up my hand form him to take it.

'Together' he said taking my hand.

'Right Zane here we go now push for me!' The nurse stated rather loudly. Zane did just that. He pushed...1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 and rest, over and over until a sound filled the room. A baby cry.

'Ok Zane here's your little boy!' She shouted bring our son into Zane's chest.

'Oh my Irene...look at you buddy!' I said beginning to cry from happiness. 'You did it baby' I said kissing Zane on the head.

He shook his head. 'No. We did it' he said looking down at our new son.

'Well done ZuZu. Look how beautiful he is' she smiled.

Zane's face suddenly changed into discomfort. Our son was taken over to a special crib in the room.

'Ok here comes your girl!' The doctor shouted. It was the same again. He pushed...1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 and rest. This time I heard a sigh from Zane but now cry.

'Is she out?' Zane asked. I looked down at our little girl.

'Why isn't she crying?' I asked.

'Don't worry she's trying too she just a tad smaller is all' the Dr said as the room filled with the cry of our daughter.

We sat there an hour after the birth. I was holding our beautiful little girl and my gorgeous fiancé was holding our beautiful little boy.

'We haven got names?' Zane said, looking over at me.

'Yeah we never got round to it I guess. What do you like?' I asked. Zane's looked down at your new baby boy.

'I like a few. Jackson, Jonah, Milo and Harrison' he said looking at me.

'How about...' I placed my hand on our sons head. 'Jonah Harrison Valkrum-Ro'meave?' I asked looking up at my fiancé. I kissed him softly.

'What about this little cutie?' Zane said stroking her head.

'I have a name but it's a strange one' I laughed.

'What is it?' Zane asked, curiosity lingered on his face.

'Blue' I said. I watched as Zane thought for a minute. I knew he was trying to think why.

'It's your eyes. Their blue. I thought it was cute' I smiled.

'I love it. I get middle name?' He asked. I nodded.

'Blue Emily Valkrum-Ro'meave' he stated. I smiled remembering our GP Emily.

'I love it' I smiled kissing him.

Zane's POV
I can't believe it. I can't believe I'm sitting here holding my two little babies in my arms. Travis went to get a drink a while ago so I'm just enjoying time as a daddy. I hear a knock at the door.

'Come in' I say quietly. In walks the whole gang, barr Laurence and Garroth.

'Hey Zane...Oh my Irene look' Aphmau said. I could tell she wanted to scream but Aaron stopped her.

'Their gorgeous' Vlyad said quietly.

'Thanks. Has Travis told you their names?' I asked.

'Uhh no I didn't get a chance' he said looking around next to me.

'Well..everyone is like you to meet..' the door opened.

'Zane you have one more visitor' Red smiled at me.

In walked Laurence pushing a now awake Garroth in a wheelchair towards me.

'Oh my Irene! Big brother I though you were still knocked out! I'm so glad your ok!' I shouted. With the babies safe in Travis' arms i lent down to hug my brother. I then tapped him on the shoulder.

'What was that for? He laughed.

'Never protect me again' I laughed along.

'Anyway what are their names?' Garroth asked.

'Oh yeah' I said taking my little boy from Travis' arms.

'May we introduce Jonah Harrison Valkrum-Ro'meave and Blue Emily Valkrum-Ro'meave!' I said with a smile on me face.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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