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Travis' POV
We arrived outside our house inside our car. It was so surreal being back here after almost a whole month spent only in the hospital. As I get out and open the passenger door for Zane to get out I see his family come out of our house with a Welcome Home banner.

I had asked Garroth, Vylad and Zianna to do this to try and cheer Zane up and by the look on his face it worked.

'Welcome home!' All three of them shout in unison as I help Zane into his wheelchair that the hospital gave us.

'Wow thanks guys' Zane said smiling.

'Don't thank us' Garroth said also smiling.

'Thank your lovely boyfriend ZuZu he planned all of this' Zianna said looking at me smiling.

'Really?' Zane said looking over to me.

'Yeah I wanted to cheer you up and welcome you home in the best way I could' I smiled down at my boyfriend.

'Thank you Travis' Zane said smiling up at me.

I stand at the kitchen counter making dinner for me and Zane. Zianna, Garroth and Vylad went home so it's just me and him.

As I'm putting dinner in the oven I hear a crash behind me. I turn around to see Zane's wheelchair tipped over and Zane on the floor.

'Zane!' I shout running over to help him.

'Oh for Irene sake why can't I just do things for myself!' Zane shouted, beginning to cry.

'Zane baby I know it's hard but I promise we will get through this... together' I said grabbing Zane's hand.

'I just...I want to do things for myself and I know you said that walking is a job for the two of us but I don't want to be a burden on you..." Zane said as I helped him into his chair.

I pulled Zane's chair to face the couch and I sat down facing him.

'You will NEVER be a burden on me Zane...I love you with all my heart and nothing, and I mean NOTHING, will ever change that' I said as I pulled Zane into a kiss.

'Promise?' He asked.
'I promise...' I trailed off.

Hey guys! This is a really short chapter but hopefully I will be getting out some longer and more eventful chapters soon.

Abby Out

How They Learned To Love Again| A Zanvis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now