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Travis' POV
I got up out of the chair I was sitting in and walked over to Garroth, Laurence Dante and Vylad. When I walked over they all stopped and looked at me.

'I guess you want answers huh?' Garroth asked.

'Well yeah obviously I do?' I said to Garroth.

'Ok fire away what questions you have?' Vylad asked.

'I don't know how about who is Ava? Why did Garte call Zane my girlfriend? What did Garte mean about Zane denying who he was along time ago?' I asked very quickly.

'Ok so we can answer all your questions in one go' Vylad announced.

'Ok go on then' I asked.

'Let's sit down this may take a while' Garroth said calmly.

I nodded and me, Garroth, Vylad, Laurence and Dante went and sat in the cafeteria. I let the nurses know to come find me if Zane wake up or if his condition changed.

'Ok spill' I said bluntly.

'Ok so we have already told Laurence and Dante. So when Zane was born he was...' Vylad begun to say.

'Was?' I asked.

'Look Travis when we tell you I hope you will still love my brother the same' Garroth said looking like he was about to cry.

'I will love Zane no matter what happens' I said readying his brother.

'He was a girl when he was born' Garroth said.

My eyes widened I just couldn't believe it. My beautiful boyfriend transgender.

'I know this is a shock I just hope this doesn't change how you feel about him' Garroth said sadly.

'So Zane used to be Ava and he is now a man yes?' I asked confused.

'Yes he is a man however he still has all the girl parts' Garroth said.

'I...I...I' stammered think of what to say.

'I was afraid of this happening when you found out proper but it's ok Travis if you don't feel that same way about him anymore' Vylad said sadly.

'DON'T YOU DARE PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH I LOVE YOUR BROTHER NO MATTER WHO HE IS!' I shouted standing up out of my chair and making the whole cafeteria look at me.

'Ok Travis I'm sorry please just sit back down Vylad is sorry ok?' Dante said trying to calm me down.

I slowly sit back down when Laurence points something out.

'Travis your..... eyes' he whispers.

I quickly picked up my phone, turned my camera to selfie mode and looked. My eyes had turned to my demon eyes. I shook my head and they left.

'Don't get so worked up like that around Zane he is going to be feeling so weird towards to you after what my father did' Garroth stated.

'He may be feeling weird but I don't care about who he was, I love him for who he is now' I said back.

I spotted a nurse walking over to our table. I jumped up and ran over to her.

'Travis Valkrum?' She asked.

'Yes that's me' I replied.

'Is Vylad and Garroth Romeave with you?' She asked again.

'Yes we're here what up?' Garroth replied to her as the four of them walked over.

'Zane Romeave is awake and I was told to inform you' she said to us all.

'Thank you! Thank you very much' I shouted as I dashed in the direction of Zane's ward.

Hay guys Abby here!

I'm sorry to leave this on a cliffhanger again. If you guys have any questions about anything then please either ask in the comments or private message me on Wattpad. Thanks guys!

Abby Out

How They Learned To Love Again| A Zanvis FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora