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Zane's POV
Me and Travis arrive at the restaurant. I can't wait to go on nights like this with our babies.

'Ok all set you ready to go?' Travis asks me.

'Yeah let's go in' I say.

As we're getting out of the car I see that blue jeep pulling up into a parking space a little ways away from us. I don't want to ruin a lovely evening so I leave it and walk into the restaurant with my fiancé.

We are shown to our table and our come the chef, now friend, Gene.

'Hey guys what can I get you two tonight?' He asks.

'Uhh just drinks for now please Gene' I smile at him.

'Ok so the usual Cola with ice for Travis and a Fanta with ice for you Zane' he asks.

'Yeah please' Travis says back to Gene.

'Cool back in two ticks' he says smiling and walking away.

I couldn't get that damn blue jeep four of my mind. It's so stupid that I'm m worrying about something so minor as a car that I keep seeing around me.

'Love, what's wrong?' Travis asked taking my hand.

'It's nothing I just saw that blue jeep again' I said.

'What where?' Travis said sounding quite panicked.

'Don't worry. It's probably nothing let's just enjoy ou..' I begin to say as travis stands up and rushes outside. I get up an follow him.

Travis' POV
I rush outside and see, you guessed it, the blue jeep. I begin to text Aphmau, Aaron, Garroth, Vlyad, Laurence and Dante to meet me here as soon as possible as someone walks up behind me, without me noticing.

'What's happening? Are you ok?' My fiancé asks me. I turn around and see his beautiful face has turned into a face of worry.

'Please Zane just go back inside I don't want you to get hurt' I say still continuing to text.

I suddenly hear a sound that sends a shiver down my spine. A car door opening. I turn and see my father come out of the familiar blue jeep.

'Oh no...' I say. I turn to Zane. 'Love inside quick!' And for once, Zane doesn't argue.

As Zane hurry's inside I walk up to my father. He leans up against the jeep as he waits for me to be close enough to talk to me.

'Why can't you just leave us alone. We have done nothing to you' I say coldly.

'Travis...but you have. You have destroyed my reputation. Everything I was. Everything Garte was. You boys destroyed that. You think that you can bring life into this world like this? Your sick. We can't let this happen' I watch as my dad turns. I do as well. I have to protect Zane and my babies.

'You know I won't let you do that. Just lea..' I say as I'm hit over the head from behind. I look up to see Garte with a knife.

'Travis!' I hear Zane scream as he rushed towards me. I try to tell him to stop but I get hit again.

'Zane.' Garte says coldly towards his son.

'Let him go. Please. Just leave us be.' He pleads. I attempt to get up but feel another thump on my head, while hearing a gasp from Zane.

'I can't do that Zane' Garte speaks.

3rd Person POV
The car with everyone in pulls up just in time to see Terry pick up his son off the floor and hold him up against the car. Zane rushes towards everyone.

'We need to help him!' Zane shouts. Garroth walks forward.

'Put him down!' Garroth shouts at his father and Terry.

Garte says nothing but he rushes towards everyone. Zane, along with Aphmau, rushes towards Travis who is being repeatedly hit by his father.

'Let him go!' Zane shouted one final time.

Terry punches his son one final time. He passes out. He drops travis on the ground as Zane runs over and hugs him.

'Now for you' both Garte and Terry say moving towards Zane.

The knife Garte is holding is swung into Zane direction...just as Garroth jumps in front of it.

'Garroth!' Zane shouts.

Everyone watches as a huge group of police cars pulls into the lot and heads straight for the group.

Zane's POV
I rush into the ambulance with my wounded brother and semi conscious fiancé.

'Travis baby please come on stay with me' I say clutching his hand and smiling with a tear coming down my face.

'Z...Zane. I'm here ok? I'm ok' he smiles back.

'Good' I smile back, kissing him on the forehead.

I look over at Garroth who is on the other side. 'Please Garroth just wake up' I say sadly.

We arrive at the hospital where everyone is waiting. Travis is allowed up straight away. Only minor injury's. Thank Irene. We sit in the waiting room as we wait for news on Garroth.

'Zu zu?' My moths asks as I hug my fiancé tight.

'I know mom. They caught them' I smile lightly.

'I know hunni. They won't be out for a long time' my mom says.

I stand up to go pee but something feels off. I suddenly hear a voice.

'Oh my Irene Zane baby!' I hear Travis shout. I turn and see what he's talking about.

My waters had broken.

'Oh Irene. Not now!' I shout. I feel a sharp pain in my belly as I'm put onto a wheelchair and push to the maternity ward. My fiancé by my side.

I was so scared. My brother could be dying and now I'm having our babies.

I just hope Garroth's ok.

Hey guys so I decided to get back into this story. Let's see how it goes.

Leave name suggestions in the comments!

One Boy!
One Girl!

How They Learned To Love Again| A Zanvis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now