47. I Like You Better When You're Fucking Me||Smut||Part II

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"What a bloody idiot," he muttered, but it sounded slightly strained. You realized that though the two of you had technically "made up", there was still tension in between the two of you. However, you didn't think that right now would be a good time to resolve it. It was a night of celebration; you didn't want to ruin that. So you ignored it. That turned out to have been your worst decision of the night. Though, you wouldn't know that until later.

"Minho, what is it?" Minho had pulled you to the side, away from the other gladers.

Minho looked distraught. It wasn't a look you were used to seeing on him. "I think Newt is still angry with me, (y/n). I-I don't want the stupid shank to think that about me. I would never be stupid enough to betray him like that. Has he-has he said anything to you? (Y/N), you and him are two of my closest friends. Just...fuck. I don't know, (y/n)."

"Hey, hey, hey," you said, pulling him in for a hug. "Don't worry about it, alright, Minnie?"

"What the fuck?!" Newt grabbed you and pulled you out of Minho's grasp. "I saw the two of you leave together on your own, and this is what I shucking find?"

Minho raised his arms in defense, an arm out to keep Newt at bay. "Newt, calm down. This isn't what it looks like, shuck-face."

Just as Newt opened his mouth to protest, you slapped you hand over his mouth. "Minho, leave right now. Let me handle this."

Minho shook his head. "No way, I can-"

You cut him off. "No. You've got to trust me, Minho. He's my boyfriend. This is our problem."

Minho closed his mouth, but he still wavered. You shot him a meaningful look and waved your hand to the side. With a small sigh and a warning glare at Newt, he stalked away.

"Explain what the fuck I just saw. Fuck, (y/n), this is what I was afraid of. Maybe getting back together was a mistake, because you obviously don't have the same view of our relationship as I do."

His words stung like a slap in the face. Tears burned at the back of your eyes, but you refused t let him see you cry. "You stupid ass-crack of a human fucking being," you spat, your fingernails digging into the skin of your palms. "This is why I broke up with you! You can't fucking trust me! I told you I love you, Newt! Why can't you ever, just once, trust me!"

"Trust you on what, (y/n)? Bloody hell, the two of you left together to go to a dark corner, and when I follow you, I find that you have your hands all over him! What the fuck is left to trust! Maybe I should walk in on you sucking dick next time!"

The tears wouldn't stay back this time, despite your greatest efforts. "Is that what you really think of me?" Salty trails slid down your face but you refused to acknowledge them. "You think that I'm capable of such a betrayal, is that what you really think of me?" Your voice cracked as you spoke. You hated sounding so weak. You weren't going to be weak. That wasn't you. "You want to know why my hands were all over Minho, Newt? You want to know why?" You smirked, venom in your veins. "Because he is so much hotter than you, Newt. Because I know he can fuck me until I forget my name. Because I know that he can take care of me and make me feel like I'm wanted; he can fuck me so much harder than you ever could, Newt. I want him, Newt. More than I want you."

Newt's jaw clenched tightly. Before you could react, he had you pinned against a wall. The cold plaster seeped through your clothing, all the way to your spine. You shivered, shaking in Newt's grasp. He loomed over you, dark and handsome. His bronze hair fell over his eyes, barely covering the lust filled hazel orbs.

You dug your fingers into his soft hair, clenching fistfuls. You yanked him close, your lips just barely at his ear. Your teeth grazed the sensitive skin, perverse glee shooting through you as you heard him groan underneath his breath. The corner of your lip curled in satisfaction. "Why don't you prove to me that you can fuck me harder than he can, hm, Newt?"

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now