Keeping my eyes from rolling into the back of my head, I clench my fists instead.

West takes a notice in my stiff behavior, watching me with observant eyes.

"Kody, let him out. Show him to the north wing." I grumble, not sparring anyone another look as I angrily walk off through the cells.

The Moon Goddess was obviously not a fan of mine; and right now, the feeling was mutual.

I suppose not having a mate wouldn't be a terrible thing, after all. Watching my mother float away and take my father with her has hardened my opinion towards mates.

Black Wolf and the wolves that called it home should be the only things on my mind. I didn't need a mate, much less one with such low standards as Bailey.

My wolf scoffs at me, shaking her head with a scowl.

I could feel her distaste for my reaction to finally finding my mate; however, she could suck a fat one.

Stomping back into my office, I huff as the door closes harshly behind me.

I certainly did not need this extra added stress, especially not on a day like today.

My phone begins to buzz in my pocket, making my eyes roll dramatically.

"What." I spit into the phone.

"Sorry to bother you Alpha Black, is this a bad time?" I recognize the voice as Tom, who taught basic combat to the youth of Black Wolf.

I rub my temples, "No, sorry. What is it Tom?"

"Well, Jude broke another young wolves nose today during training..." I mentally bang my head against the wall.

This was not the first time Tom and I have spoken under these circumstances. My little brother had grown especially aggressive over the past year, and it was beginning to worry me.

"I'll pick him up personally." I growl into the phone, not waiting for his response before slamming the phone to the ground.

A low whistle sounds behind me, making my shoulders stiffen.

"You should really channel that anger into something else. Perhaps scrapbooking?" Miles smirks, leaning against my office door frame.

I repress a scowl at the sight of the cocky wolf, who refused to drop the obnoxious taunting smile on his face.

"I don't have time for you today." I all but growl at the blonde wolf, who has been after me since we were kids.

I guess he was after the Alpha title, more specifically.

Miles chuckles, "All we have is time, sweetie."

Rolling my eyes, I shove pass his tall frame.

Much to my distaste, he follows closely behind me as I stomp down the corridor.

"You know a pretty girl like you shouldn't be so wound up." He chuckles, placing his hands in his jean pockets as he smirk down at me.

I clench my jaw. The Moon Goddess was really testing me today.

Choosing to ignore Miles, I keep my head straight ahead with a blank stare.

"Come on, Riley. Not even a word?" Miles quirks a brow, his obnoxious face making me want to explode.

"Goddess, give me something." He sighs, making my wolf rise to the surface.

I quickly grab him by his collar and shove him against the nearest wall. His back bangs harshly with the drywall, as his dark eyes widen at my sudden movement.

"You want me to give you something?" I seethe in his face, my eyes flickering to a bright golden color.

"How about I rip your heart out and fucking tap dance on it?" I question, making his swallow harshly.

Miles pales in the face, making my wolf smile in victory.

A throat is cleared behind me, making me turn my head to the side.

Kody stands there with raised brows and a small smirk, my mate standing next to him analyzing the situation.

West's eyes meet mine, and I feel my wolf distinguish her hate fire.

I drop Miles to the ground roughly, not taking my eyes off of my mate.

"Everything good, Alpha?" Kody asks sarcastically.

Miles scrambles to his feet, fixing his shirt before nodding his head at me and walking off down the hallway.

I roll my eyes with a huff. "Everything is just dandy."

Kody nods sarcastically, my mate watching me with furrowed brows and a frown.

I try to keep my eyes from retreating back to his caramel ones, but it was proving to be increasingly difficult.

"I'm just showing the human to his room." Kody says plainly, trying to advert the conversation.

I barely nod, wanting to sink into the wall behind me.

"You don't have to keep calling me human." West rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"Don't I?" Kody challenges, raising a brow at my mate.

"I would love to stay, but I have important matters to attend to." I add in, making both males look at me.

I almost melt under my mates hot gaze, wishing with everything in me that he felt something too.

"Oh yeah, Tom told me." Kody snorts.

I grimace at him, brushing past the two with the scent of coffee and caramel trailing me.

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