'You alive over there, Tav?' She muttered.

Octavia didn't reply, causing her to roll her head to the side to look at her. She stared blankly across at her, ash covering her skin; her eyes dead.

'Talk to me,' She whispered as she rolled onto her side.

'I'm so numb,' The Blake girl mumbled.

'You need to cry, I think... Come on, even I cry, sometimes.'

She knew the look her best friend wore and it scared her, because it was the exact same look she wore after she was locked away. Her eyes flicked to Bellamy as he walked up behind his sister, his gaze flicking to her briefly; meeting her glare.

'You gave us a scare,' He spoke lowly to his sister as Byrd watched him; 'You saved so many people, O... Without you getting here to warn us Azgeda was coming, we'd be at war.'

'Get out,' Octavia sneered.

'Octavia, I thought you were dead.'

'Octavia is dead... She died when you killed Lincoln.'

'Please don't say that, O... Hey, I'm your brother.'

'Why do you think you're still alive?'

Bellamy looked to her before he sighed, turning away reluctantly. She pushed herself up to sit with a groan, slipping off the bed to stand before Octavia. She leant down over her, brushing the hair out of her face.

'You have to keep fighting,' She whispered; 'It's what Linc would want.'

She moved to follow after Bellamy then, catching him in the hall as she limped after him.

'Bell,' She called.

He turned to look at her, 'What?'

'I'm coming with you.'


'Wherever you're going obviously.'


She strode after him as he started up the hall again, coughing occasionally.

'Hey, thanks for sending Kane in for us,' She mumbled.

Bellamy glanced at her, 'I did it for Octavia.'

'I know. But you also knew my ghost would come back to haunt your arse if you didn't.'

He smirked, shaking his head as she strode after him.

'Will you go back to the med bay?' He turned to her.

'No,' She smirked.

He sighed, 'Fine.'


Byrd sat in the back of the rover with her head resting against the side of the cabin, her eyes shut as she tried to let her body heal itself. She coughed harshly every now and then, but Clarke never said a word.

'Is it Octavia?' The blonde asked Bellamy, who had been quiet for most of the trip.

'Keep your eyes on the trees,' He muttered.

'She hasn't forgiven you, has she? I told you it would take time.'

'We don't have much of that left now, do we?'

She picked her the bandage on her hand, prying an eye open as the rover suddenly slowed.

'Hang on. We got a situation,' Bellamy muttered into the radio; 'Looks like a Trikru checkpoint. Stay alert, show no weapons. Keep your passengers on ice.'

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